Possible Power Armor training before the BOS.


First time out of the vault
I found a set of experimental power armor and a training tape to let you use it, thinking that might be all you need to use the armor you find in-game. If someone hasn't gotten BOS training yet, maybe they could check it out, the armor is at [spoiler:1d18ab2704]Old Olney sewer system, you enter by falling through a street grate in town. There are Deathclaws everywhere though, so it's no joke. The armor and training holotape are on a BOS corpse next to a merc corpse in a small tunnel off the main sewer line (Actually a break in the wall, they're right at the beginning of it). Old Olney is near one of the vaults, I'd say due west of the Republic of Dave, East of Oasis. I think that's right.[/spoiler:1d18ab2704]

Let me know if it's doable, I'd love to roll a char and just skip the BOS.
deadsanta said:
Let me know if it's doable, I'd love to roll a char and just skip the BOS.

I found it before I did the BOS thing. You can't put it on as far as I can remember :(
Dammit... everyone at Bethesda gets the Dream Crusher perk, as far as I'm concerned. Even mail room guy.
Don't worry. Since being able to wear the PA can be modified by a simple line in the console, it's only a matter of time before someone makes a mini-mod about a power armor handbook. They could use the 'pre-war book' object, would fit perfectly.
What console command is it? I don't care for the story but want to have a power armor again. :>