Proof that there is a God

Bradylama said:
Couldn't they have been praying for sweet death?

The joke is on us! But then, what else would we expect from God? The depth and level of His irony is to normal comedians as the universe is to a grain of sand. And here I am stealing material from chumps like David Cross and Larry David when I should be taking my cues from The Ultimate Comedian. Forgive me my ignorance, oh lord! For years I sought laughter amongst the heathens, but my eyes have been opened to thy unimitable and omnipotent comedy stylings! Now I understand - when there was one set of footprints in the sand, that was when you were at open mic night.
Actually, noted philosophical badass G.K. Chesterton believed the one important characteristic of God that's never described in the Bible is his mirth.
Oh five Mexican children we hardly knew ye. Ya dead bastards!

What can I say, man? God is a kid with an ant farm and a magnifying glass.
Just goes to show that one should not pray to/at/with some man-made crap. I don't see God's irony/attitude/anything, I see people brainwashed into believing a (dangerous) piece of metal will somehow magnify their prayers, which are all going inwards anyway ('cause that's where the God is).
Specialist said:
MEXICO CITY - Five Mexican children were killed when a large metal cross they were praying at was struck by lightning in central Mexico, local media reported Monday.

Seems fairly straight forward to me. There is a God and he doesn't like children. Can't see any other possibilities.

There is a God and he doesn't like Mexicans.

It'd make sense, since all humans are created in his image 'n such.

(N.B. Mexicans can barely be considered human)
Well i hope that anyone here that thinks its funny gets his kids killed one day by some similar accident, because only then you would know how funny it really is.

Dont get me wrong, when i watched Schindlers list i almost got kidney disfunction from laughing all the time...there is that effect of your brain connecting only to that media side of it, that presentation and symbolism and visual impact or imagined visual of a situation...and finding it hilarious.

Unfortunately my brain works backwards, i think first on those kids, then at this forced imagery and fake stories of some "God" that looks like a bearded wise guy. Which nobody believes in anyway.

I only hope nobody of theirs does not find this thread ever.

There is that difference you know.
Sina said:
Well i hope that anyone here that thinks its funny gets his kids killed one day by some similar accident, because only then you would know how funny it really is.

I can only hope that my kids, my friends and family, or anyone else dies in some sort of "cosmic joke" type of way like this rather than some completely senseless and horrible way like cancer, disease, drunk driving accidents, or murder. At least something like this is "positive" in that it deepens our thinking about life and adds an element of humor and the mysterious, instead of the completely "negative" feelings that most deaths bring, like little kids being caught in the crossfire of scumbag gangsters or women in Rwanda being raped and mutilated to death.

I'm an agnostic, borderline atheiest. If I had a choice, I'd much rather die being struck by a bolt of lightning while blaspheming than be killed by a drunk driver or by being stabbed during a mugging. I'd rather have my death or anyone else's inspire some laughter and wonder in the universe along with the sense of loss than only inspire feelings of anger and impotence and thoughts that we live in a horrible world devoid of any meaning except base human need, idiocy and evil.
I'd prefer a way in which pieces of my body get strewn onto innocent bystanders, mentally scarring them for life.

Maybe I should become a suicide bomber or something.