Putting an NMA bar in Wasteland 2 (goal reached!)

Holy crap. This is actually happening? I'm assuming that it's not in the current beta I haveon Steam but I can't wait to check it out.
Holy crap. This is actually happening? I'm assuming that it's not in the current beta I haveon Steam but I can't wait to check it out.
I will, in fact, reveal it is (afaik) in the current beta build. Will wait and see for one of you to find it :)
It's inside of Damonta
You have to kill 4too to enter
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I was expecting that somebody in here found there at beta already.
it's stranged that I'm the first one to report( or find) about there first in here.
So... the bar is destroyed? How I am supposed to kill Brother None now? I was already training for the competition. :puppy-dog:
Pretty sure I'm one of the bodies but I might be named Thomas instead of Brother None, since there's already a Brother None in one of the WL2 novellas (Stackpole/Long pt 2 novella, I'm one of the Guardians) (turns out there's a bunch of BN clones running around the Arizona wastes)

Excellent. Did the bar-tab-name-list-thingy actually make it after all?
Believe so.
Oh that one. Of course I found it, and even the weapon. I just totally wasn't connecting it with NMA at all (haven't seen the sign outside and I rarely look at enemy names). :>
I was surprised when I saw name of 4too.
I don't know him much but his article looks poem.
so I thought he is kind of poet in this community
Oh that one. Of course I found it, and even the weapon. I just totally wasn't connecting it with NMA at all (haven't seen the sign outside and I rarely look at enemy names). :>
I understand you missed the sign on the roof, but just right clicking the pile of dead people at the entrance gives you the list of names of most NMA moderators. Clicking the dude in the back gives you Roshambo, Odin, etc. Clicking the bar tab gives you a list of people that have a running tab (aka donated for the kickstarter). Kinda hard to miss, Lexx. :)

My name isn't there though, it's at the start of the game on a cross with the other InXile forum mods. Kinda out of place though. Should've picked my real name or something.