Putting an NMA bar in Wasteland 2 (goal reached!)

By the way, I'll be really disappointed if the Codex manages to raise $10k and they send anyone other than a tranny prostitute to Fargo's party.
Ausir said:
By the way, I'll be really disappointed if the Codex manages to raise $10k and they send anyone other than a tranny prostitute to Fargo's party.

You really think they are going to send one of the moderators?
Brother None said:
I for one will proudly put the NPC named after me in this bar.

I for one will proudly use every kind of weapon on the NPC named after you. Thanks a lot!
Not to be a pest, but I'm kinda in suspense here:

Are we still waiting on Fargo before proceeding with this? Is he good with Silencer's random pool of names idea? Have emails gone out about this yet? Just curious.
Indeed, I wouldn't mind putting down some cash for the team. Maybe I'll do a (space) cake bake sale, wonder if they'll give me as much as those girl scouts constantly selling crap.
We'll be closing the Chipin drive on Friday, Apr 6th. We've reached our goal (at about 1400 now) so we don't need any more donations, but if you've got cash to burn and want in on this, feel free.
I finally got around to sending out this mail. Hope everyone received it in good order, email contains instructions on what I need from our donators.
well, not sure how you will display our names...

could you email out the list as you have it or to each of us with how our name is?

or PM us i guess too.
As I said in the email, the default is whatever name you donated as (PayPal name) and the amount you donated. People can mail me for changes.

Not going to share the list fully even with people who donated. Already had some mails from people who prefer to remain anonymous, etc.
I...may have lost everyone's donation amount D: ChipIn crashed and I can't find the file on my folder.

Silencer is trying to dig out the PaYPal mails now so we should be fine. If not, everyone's name will still be in there, but the amount would be lost due to me D:
Damnation. This might drastically reduce my e-penor and it is your fault. I cannot accept this.
Well, to be honest, I didn't even know you wanted to write the pledge amount into the list as well. Thought it would be just the names, which also would be totally enough, imo.
There was some debate about wether the amount would go on the list or not.
Seems like that issue is solved, then.
Bump with even worse news.

So ok, I had everyone's emails set aside ready to sort in a Thunderbird subfolder.
But between a PC switch and at least on HD formatting it looks like I lost the Thunderbird inbox, having only a backup from May 2012
In other words, I lost everyone's names for the NMA bar tab :(

And with ChipIn being gone I don't even have an overview of emails of people who backed us.

This was really dumb and I should've made backups/noted all the names down separately long since but I kept forgetting to do so. Totally my fault, I'm really sorry :(

Soooo...now I don't know what to do. Just no idea. The bar is still going in fine of course, but I just don't have the names that need to go on the tab anymore. Any suggestions are welcome. I mean anyone who backed can contact me to get em in I suppose, and I can scour this thread to see who mentioned backing and put in their nickname, but that's all pretty imperfect solutions. Anyone got any thoughts/suggestions?
Shit, sorry guys. I rarely check the News section or else I would have donated. 'Nuff with the excuses though, I'm glad we we're able to get some recognition. Even if it did cost a cold G....
Just write my name. That would be enough, imo. :>

Is that chipin stuff really gone? No way to contact them or something?
What an idea.
From now, every post-apocalyptic game should have its NMA bar, as a cross-universe trend.