Running faster at 16 ?


First time out of the vault
Hi everyone !

So today I finally got my Fallout 3 !
Wondering if it was so crapy...

So, here's the point :

Am I on acid or did the character run "normally" at 16, then run "slowly" (everyone noticed the slow character speed) at 19, when leaving the vault ?

I will make some more tests, buf if I'm right... GOD, what an obvious bug >.<
When you have a weapon drawn, you run slower. At least this is what I noticed. The bigger the gun, the slower you move.
Armor also influences speed. Or at least, Power Armor makes you go slower.
I believe you also run faster when you're "well rested".

Don't ask me how that works though, as I've slept for 10 hours only to get "You are no longer well rested" after taking two steps.
If it's like Oblivion, two things affect your speed: weapon out and armor worn. I'm not sure if any stat actually affects run speed, but the most likely one would be Agility.
TheFlyingBuddha said:
If it's like Oblivion, two things affect your speed: weapon out and armor worn. I'm not sure if any stat actually affects run speed, but the most likely one would be Agility.

After extensive experimenting with trial and error, I found that the as with Oblivion and what you've pointed out, three things affect your movement speed - the weapon you've equipped whether holstered or not, the type of armour on you and your Agility attribute.

I can see no discernible difference in movement speeds when you're Well Rested or not.

I too noticed that you were walking at a good pace at 16 but reverted to a more leisurely pace at 19. I have yet to discover the cause of that but since I'm not 16 anymore, there's really no reason for it to bother me.