Sean Pings Fo Dev Profile

I liked that a lot better than Oakden's - it was fun and he clearly understood the questions.
It's not like Sean had that much to contribute anyhow. Anything he did have to share about his VB work would be covered by an NDA.

Anyways, it was generally funny and it's nice to see SKR has a sense of humour about everything. I personally think he's a competent enough designer based on his D&D work. He's just not right for Fallout is all. And, of course, he seems to suffer from utterly tragic naievete in both his professional (IPLY) and personal (insane multiple personalities girlfriend) lives.
D'aww, I suppose there's just a little bit of Sean in all of us...especially after you figure in what the sick monkey did to the local water resevoirs. :twisted:
Mr. Teatime said:
Have we driven a man insane?

Isn't that in the NMA mission statement? Let me check.

NMA to do list said:
1. Rip clueless newbies and morons apart and scatter their molecules with the wind.
2. Mock Herve and watch him fall screaming into the abyss.
3. Drive some guy insane.
4. Fallout stuff.