Sfall win98 backport

I could have swore Dx9 did work, maybe I’m tripping. It’s also emulating a voodoo 1/2, if that matters.
BTW, if you don't mind, what kind of an error is it giving you on the built-in HRP? Is it just a crash or is there some error message? If you set in ddraw.ini in the [Debug] section


;These options control what output is saved in the debug log (sfall-log.txt)
;Prints messages during sfall initialization
;Prints messages relating to hook scripts
;Prints messages relating to scripting
;Prints messages relating to the critical table
;Prints messages relating to engine fixes
it should create a sfall-log.txt file in the Fallout directory on startup. Could you post it on pastebin or someplace else? Also the error message... :) I wouldn't normally ask, just curious where it crashes. I noticed, that if you have desktop color depth set to 8-bit, built-in HRP exits with a message of 8-bit mode being not supported - have to switch the Win98 desktop color depth to 16-bit. I always set color-depth in my Win98 VMs to 16-bit, so I didn't even notice... have to update repo instructions.
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@kokeeby Ok, I’ve got a couple crash logs that I saved, one of these I’m unable to extract because dosbox saves any file you export to a .sav file. I tried to extract with iRAR but maybe you can get it out (I also tried renaming to .zip, no dice). And I have win98 screenshots of crash on kernel32. The dosbox zip is not zip its .sav; had to change name for upload. Also if you can tell me how to fix maps for non-HR I can help do the work. Noticed your message about desktop 8-bit and yeah that is my setting, so I’ll try that. Thought that might be an issue, but with so many possibilities I got frazzled. Another thought I had was integrating Ddraw 7 as option in stall?



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That particular error is not related to hrp; the access violation happens in the c runtime after the game has ended and the runtime is deallocated. The game starts, checks for the current desktop color depth, exits because it's 8-bit. Anyway, I uploaded a newer version, so use that one (it also has the fix for a recent bug in the talking head mod - https://github.com/BGforgeNet/Fallout2_Restoration_Project/issues/246).

I think the built-in HRP should work fine once you switch desktop color depth to 16-bit.

If you still want to play without the HRP, I updated the maps -> https://mega.nz/folder/ypVwwCQb#2AjZq6kGnoJs2z0FGw-zSQ

Extract into your FO2 folder. (you can rename the original mods\elevators.ini to something else so it doesn't get overwritten). You need to start a new game to have those maps working.
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@kokeeby Hey it works now! It was indeed the desktop res needed to be set to 16bit. It plays and runs good, the only difference is non-res is a bit more snappy, but I ain’t complaining. Nice to see this working in all its glory. All the mods work too; no crashes yet (I’m about to do Rat God quest).

I imagine those maps will be popular (maybe) with mobile players.
Well, after RetroArch is now available in the Apple Store, I was finally available to run Fallout 2 on my iPad!
It seems to work... Took me a few days, but this thread was very helpful! Thank you both!
Still need to test/play more to check full functionality (I did not use the maps with corrected blockers, since I want to use the updated Pixote maps).

@kokeeby, any chance you do an update of your sfall9x_i586?
Maybe after the next sfall update is out (which should provide the extended barter/inventory screens).

Nb: yes, it is more a hobby than serious play...

Edit: after trying it some more, the main issue is the stuttering audio of the videos. This is with RPU, Sonora etc.
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I don't get stuttering audio of videos, and I'm on iphone 8 plus. That could be a performance setting thing in RetroArch. I have my win98se modded with unofficial win98 service pack, win98 lite, and kernelEX. SB16 driver updated, iceman voodoo glide updated. My ram is capped at 1024 mb, cpu set to i586, cpu cycles Auto. Hope this helps.
I have my win98se modded with unofficial win98 service pack, win98 lite, and kernelEX. SB16 driver updated, iceman voodoo glide updated.

Thank you for the details. I invested much less time by using Roland Deschain's version of Win98, which - i assume - is less optimized...

I attached my settings as used for RPU29.

Thank you very very much for your sfall update! I have not used it by now (had some longer holidays), but will try it out soon!

