Should Rename Fallout 3 => Fallout Tactics 2: 1 Man Squad


First time out of the vault
I was playing this game, and I realized how there werent many towns in this game and how the speech tag skill was so useless. The majority of my thoughts in the game were seeing how much stuff i can carry before i can go to the merchant to sell the stuff.

This kinda made me think that, since there wasnt much dialogue that seems to be written by sentient people, this game is kinda like fallout tactics right? couch, shoot, duck.
More like FO:BOS

FO:T at least had the "tactics" part. It somewhat reminded me of a bad Commandos clone in a PA setting.
here is how I place tactics compare to everything else..

FO2--FO1---FO:tactics--- (lots of lines here) --FO:PoS

FO3 not on there as I have no actual experience of it.

My point being, I never took tactics about being a role-play-esque game which should involve lots of talking / whatever, I took it to be the fallout inspired (and I think true to cannon), fallout style, fallout game play tactical squad shooter, like someone had come along and improved X-COM UFO, and falloutified it (the original X-COM being one of my gods of gaming...)

the quests were samey, but that suited the game, it was about being/becoming a part of the almost mystical wasteland entity the Brotherhood Of Steel, and I liked that. To me the BoS are supposed to be the guy's kitted out to the teeth that turn up near your settlement blow the crap out of something/someone (usually considered to be a target which could be called 'badguys') and be on there way without so much as stopping to ask for a cuppa tea.

I like pretty much EVERYTHING about FO:T, it really is top ruddy notch, and if I cant talk someone into doing something for me, hell i'll just order my Support sniper to remove his head.

As for should FO:3 be FO:T2, hell no FO:3 is even further from FO:T than it is from FO:2

edit:- yes FO:BoS (PoS) 2 would be more suited as it retains he same game play elements, I can presume a grammatical err and this could be what OP meant.

also edited to ensure my own grammar/game ref's are comprehendable.
speech plays about 5% (and thats pretty much a part you dont want to use it anyway) of a part in the main quest but it is used in most of the side quests, at least as far as ive noticed...
That and the fact you can get more money from sidequests. As far as I know, I only came across one outcome effect cause by speech, and one sorta avoided combat, once again, caused by speech. (which i listed in a spoiler in another thread)
Mikael Grizzly said:
So far it seems Speech allows you to skip doing tasks to get the info you need.
That and money.

I haven't encountered a single spot where failing a speech check actually ended my options for something, so it seems speech is mostly in as an additional option.

Actually, this seems to be the case for a lot of quests and skills.
[spoiler:a2a3656d37]I think that when I lost the speech check to convince the tailor guy at Tenpenny Towers to let the Ghouls in, I lost all possibility to end the conflict peacefully and had to resort to letting the feral ghouls in from the basement... (massive loot ftw, tho')[/spoiler:a2a3656d37]
Leave Tactics out of this :)

FO:T was one of my favourite game. It's not an RPG, it's a squad based realtime/turn based shooter in wasteland. That's it, it's doing what it says in an awesome way.

If played Warhammer : 40K Squad Command, Tactics just like that. And as reminder it's not named as "Fallout 3" it named as Fallout:Tactics, because it was about squads, resource management, tactics.

However Fallout 3 claims it's the sequel, and it claims it's an RPG with an FPS twist. Which is something else, and Fallout 3 is so much crappier than Tactics :)
Fallout 3 is a true sequel. I remember all the fanboys getting mad over Super Mario 64. Learn to deal with it. It changed for the better.

Sales numbers don't lie :-D
Sales numbers don't lie? Ever think of the fact that the this generation was raised on crappy games? My cousin thinks Halo is a godsend, and that Mass Effect is the pinnacle of roleplaying games. He won't touch the old fallouts and nothing I say could convince him. This game appeals to the brainless masses and that is fact. I haven't played a thought provoking game in a long long time. Everything made nowadays is dumbed down because all of a sudden, video games receive the same media movies do. Please, just name one RPG released in the last 3-4 years that made you think without being filled with OOoOO-AhhHhh gimmicks. I can shit in a can and sell it. If 1 million people buy my shit in a can (TM) does that make it good? Your logic is flawed.
ShatteredJon said:
Sales numbers don't lie? Ever think of the fact that the this generation was raised on crappy games? My cousin thinks Halo is a godsend, and that Mass Effect is the pinnacle of roleplaying games. He won't touch the old fallouts and nothing I say could convince him. This game appeals to the brainless masses and that is fact. I haven't played a thought provoking game in a long long time. Everything made nowadays is dumbed down because all of a sudden, video games receive the same media movies do. Please, just name one RPG released in the last 3-4 years that made you think without being filled with OOoOO-AhhHhh gimmicks. I can shit in a can and sell it. If 1 million people buy my shit in a can (TM) does that make it good? Your logic is flawed.
I know what you mean. I showed my neighbor Fallout 2. I showed him the part where I rape this woman and you're forced to marry her. So I took her outside in the middle of nowhere, and shot her in the head with a shotgun. I went back, told her father his daughter was DEAD and her father had a heart attack. I killed the rest of the town. Then I went on a rampage and killed a bunch of children. His reponse?

"The graphics fucking suck let's go back to Fallout 3"

BurkeAvenger said:
Fallout 3 is a true sequel. I remember all the fanboys getting mad over Super Mario 64. Learn to deal with it. It changed for the better.

Sales numbers don't lie :-D
Sales numbers don't lie about it being a successful game. They have nothing to do with fitness as a spiritual successor.
Sander said:
BurkeAvenger said:
Fallout 3 is a true sequel. I remember all the fanboys getting mad over Super Mario 64. Learn to deal with it. It changed for the better.

Sales numbers don't lie :-D
Sales numbers don't lie about it being a successful game. They have nothing to do with fitness as a spiritual successor.
Having played the game for a good numbers of hours, I think the game is a perfect spiritual successor to the Fallout franchise.
Perfect? Wha? Really? I could not disagree with you more. In name its the successor, but in content its clearly not. I have yet to play a perfect game. You invalidate yourself by using that word. There is no such thing as perfect, and to put that word in a sentence with FO:3 is obviously wrong. You could think its an awesome game, a great game, an uber homage to interactive video media, but please do not call it perfect.
BurkeAvenger said:
Having played the game for a good numbers of hours, I think the game is a perfect spiritual successor to the Fallout franchise.
Having played all three of those games for much longer and more than you, I can say with absolute certainty that it isn't.

The gameplay is entirely different and the setting is vastly different in many respects. The game railroads you instead of giving you free reign.
Sander said:
Mikael Grizzly said:
So far it seems Speech allows you to skip doing tasks to get the info you need.
That and money.

I haven't encountered a single spot where failing a speech check actually ended my options for something, so it seems speech is mostly in as an additional option.

Actually, this seems to be the case for a lot of quests and skills.

Same here. I really don't see how my SPECIAL attributes really affect anything and other than Bloody Mess, Perks don't really make a dent either.

Skills? Other than e.g. being unable to open safes etc. with low Lockpicking or lesser health while healing with low Medicine etc., there's no good reason to choose this skill or that skill considering that combat is based on twitch reflexes.

Bethesda has made me a really sad Fallout purist.
List of useful FO3 skills:

-Guns (all 3 of them)
-Lockpick (to an extent)

The rest seem to be there just for the sake of being there. They don't really contribute to the game experience. A character with Medicine, Science and Speech tagged, and with high INT and CHA could never be as successful as a "keel dem all" character in FO3
Ausdoerrt said:
List of useful FO3 skills:

-Guns (all 3 of them)
-Lockpick (to an extent)

The rest seem to be there just for the sake of being there. They don't really contribute to the game experience. A character with Medicine, Science and Speech tagged, and with high INT and CHA could never be as successful as a "keel dem all" character in FO3

Agree with you here. Like Sander said in another thread. This game railroads you into playing a certain way.

Unless its combat. Ha. Kill people with your fists! Kill those same people with rifles! Kill their friends with energy weapons! And just for fun, shoot their dog with a missle! Wow, the choices are endless. :roll:
^ Hmm, I'd say melee wpns are largely useless because of how weak they are versus ranged weapons, and how bad they're in realtime.