Sporepedia goes online


First time out of the vault
Maxis has launched the Sporepedia website, the community site for uploading and sharing creatures from the upcoming game Spore. The separate creature creator comes out sometime within the next week or so, and the full game will be released in September.


It's kind of pointless right now, but it gives a decent idea as to what can be done with the in-game editor. The game is looking pretty good to me overall, but for a game that's so ambitious, it's kind of weird that it doesn't include any sort of genetic variation, which is something that even The Sims offered. From the looks of all the screenshots, a creature's offspring will be an identical copy. i'm definitely interested in the game, but i really can't imagine being excited enough to purchase a creature creator before i can even put the creatures to use. Anyone else looking forward to this game?
I'm very interested in Spore, but selling the creature creation thingy separately is simply put money grabbing faggotry. It's like charging for a demo. Fuck that.
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
I'm very interested in Spore, but selling the creature creation thingy separately is simply put money grabbing faggotry. It's like charging for a demo. Fuck that.

I was under the impression that the creature creator thingy was going to be free for those who preordered the game...

Just looked it up, and sure enough you are correct.

$9.95 for that piece of shit.
iirc sims has a gazillion of addons and mods, and you have to pay for all of them. dearly. i have only secondhand knowledge of this, as i am not equipped with a xx karyocyte set.
you can also download the "trial version" of the creature creator... whatever that will consist of.

i have pretty much all the mods for the sims games since i pirated them all at once. and unless i see something worthwhile about the spore online community, i'll probably pirate this, too.

and i believe the term you're looking for is "sex chromosome pair" or "sex chromosome set", as a genome consists of all of the chromosomes within an organism.

system requirements were also announced:

Windows XP
2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent
512 MB RAM
A 128 MB Video Card, with support for Pixel Shader 2.0
At least 6 GB of hard drive space

Windows Vista
2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent
768 MB RAM
A 128 MB Video Card, with support for Pixel Shader 2.0
At least 6 GB of hard drive space

Mac OS X
Mac OS X 10.5.3 Leopard or higher
Intel Core Duo Processor
1024 MB RAM
ATI X1600 or NVidia 7300 GT with 128 MB of Video RAM, or Intel Integrated GMA X3100
At least 4.7GB of hard drive space for installation, plus additional space for creations.
And week-long ban for warez talk.
Really, people, how many bans do you people need before you understand this?
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
I'm very interested in Spore, but selling the creature creation thingy separately is simply put money grabbing faggotry. It's like charging for a demo. Fuck that.

that's terrible. how are they going to take one of the most attractive parts of the game and make people buy it separately?
fireb0rn said:
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
I'm very interested in Spore, but selling the creature creation thingy separately is simply put money grabbing faggotry. It's like charging for a demo. Fuck that.

that's terrible. how are they going to take one of the most attractive parts of the game and make people buy it separately?
Because people will buy it seperately. They're in it to make money.
So the creature creator doesn't come with the actual game, and I'm going to have to buy it separately? Just to clarify.
No, you get it with the game, but you can also buy it so you can play a part of the game before it comes out. Like I said; faggotry.
The Creature Creator demo is out. It's extremely limited, but you can still do so much.

To dl other people's creations, all you do is grab their tiny png file and paste to your Creatures folder. Here's my Deathclaw I'm pretty proud of:



I find this one pretty hilarious. I wouldn't mind having these hopping around my game world, all the easier to shoot them. :lol:

Edit: Got the demo. Going to try to make a radscorpion or something cool.

Two hours of fascinated clicking, and I present to you:

Tada! A "Dagoben". Friendly dinosaur.
I dig the dino. You can increase/decrease the thickness of limbs with the mousewheel. Also, to make it more like a real dino with that extra joint above the ankle, hold Ctrl, click below the knee and drag the bottom half of the leg away. Then hold ctrl and "buy" the same leg back and drag it to the knee stump. Remember not to let go of ctrl. From there you can rearrange the extra joint and it looks pretty nifty. I think it really completed my deathclaw.
This game is awesome...the concept the execution and I'm looking forward to it not only as a game, but maybe an educational tool if the creation of animals fuctions along with their environment properly.

Too bad peoples freedom and tendency to do evil things has given me a few bad associations with the game already...this I mean;


The Vault Dweller