Swedish PC Gamer tidbits


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
Some new Fallout: New Vegas bits were posted at Bethesda forum and at one of The Vault blogs. Those are from Swedish PC Gamer. Some of them sound quite doubtful, but they are posted along with already confirmed info, so I'm going to put those up too.
<blockquote>[*]There is a mention of an abandoned school in the starting town as a training dungeon area.[*]You can solve the Powder Gangers problem by convincing Mayor Trudi to help you using stealth or small arms skills, or make the local trader give you dynamite using explosives skill. Also, you can use barter to convince the trader to arm the locals.[*]The robot seen in the intro is described as having a southern cowboy accent and talking very Ned Flander-ish.[*]There's a saloon called Prospector saloon. It is inspired by the real-world saloon. It is run by Trudy.[*]There will be a new sniper rifle.[*]You will be able to operate Helios One as long as the sun is shining.[*]The location with dinosaur statue is called Cabazon.[*]There is a location which is called Novac after it's broken "No Vacancy" sign. There's an old hotel.[*]There's a location called Air Conditioned Apartments, it consists of three men and a baby.</blockquote>Thanks, incognito.
13pm said:
The robot seen in the intro is described as having a southern cowboy accent and talking very Ned Flander-ish.
Stupid Robot Flanders...

Anyway, thanks for the info.
13pm said:
There's a location called Air Conditioned Apartments, it consists of three men and a baby.



These info are...weird.
Reconite said:
This is probably the one we see on Raul's back in one of the screenshots.

That's probably the Varmint Rifle, but there's also been mention of an Anti-Materiel Rifle, which would probably also be a Sniper-styled weapon.

Things are looking up for Sniper-characters.