V:TM - Bloodlines

Well i guess the last parts of the game could have been more RPG friendly, but i don't see what's so terribly bad about them either. It's kind of fun going on insane killing sprees (especially as a Gangrel), though the FPS part could use some polish.
They feel pretty rushed. Overall, they make developing all those non-combat skills a complete waste. An example of a good dungeon in the game is the "Italian Dinner" quest, where you can get through it with minimum fighting by just talking to people.
AskWazzup said:
...but i don't see what's so terribly bad about them either...

I have 10 in lockpicking when I enter Ming-Xiao's temple. I can get from point A to point B much more quickly by going through the locked doors. But wait! They're all unpickable, no matter how many points I have (wasted) in lockpicking. Then when I get to the other side of the doors, they open effortlessly - not that it matters at that point.

The only reason it works that way is so you have to slaughter every orange pajama guy on the whole level. Shame on you for thinking of a better way to solve the problem!
UniversalWolf has a point, Ming Xiao's temple level design is horrible. If you aren't Nossie\Malk then you got to slaughter like 50 people. Gets boring reeeal fast.
I could only solve this part of the game with lots of save&load, because of my non-combat char. Was horrible.
I could only get past the latter half using gratuitous cheesing (against the 3 headed things running back until their pathfinding dies) and later on /noclip /notarget. I initially tried to play a non combat character as well, but even after pumping firearms to max I couldn't stand it. The ending was also... unexpected. All the corridor crawling made me expect something blunt and massive.

Still think it's amazing, though.
The sewers aren't that bad, they aren't as long as late-game dungeons either. For lack of better solutions, I guess you could always run past all the monsters with a non-combat chara... But honestly, "diplomat" playthrough is pretty poorly implemented, the only reasonable choice is between a fighter and a ninja.
Ausdoerrt said:
The sewers aren't that bad...
I don't mind the sewers so much, I find. It's possible to avoid most of the combat in that crawl if you really want to.

Although having Auspex made me realize how often the snuff-film monsters are scripted to spawn out of thin air right on top of you. Surprise!

That's no good.
I never really use Auspex... Still, it's also sad that Obfuscate doesn't work on them or people like hunters either. I wouldn't mind if it failed on powerful beings, but one would think that for lesser monster an Obfuscate lvl5 should have at least SOME effect.
Thats just the games way of telling you to stop chumping around and get your combat skills up in time for the end. It wouldn't be that fun of a game if you can simply run pass everything. If it helps rationalize it this way: Hunters and snuff-filmed monsters are both there to hunt vampires, therefore they should have some immunities to the supernatural or supernatural powers of their own to be effective.
The game tells you that you can't play a non-combat character in the very beginning via Jack.
You can build a very capable character in diplomacy area and still manage combat parts easily, I don't see what's such a big deal. It's just a matter of spending exp points wisely. Game is easy enough for that. Build your speech feats in the beginning and start pumping combat skills slowly once things become more action oriented. Combat skills are easy enough to increase in most combat heavy areas - the endgame. You get lots of exp which you have no business spending on non-combat feats at that point anyway.

UniversalWolf said:
Yeah but the thing is, you can play a non-combat character...until the end.

Well, sewers in Hollywood don't exactly feel diplomatic and it's at that point where you can realise you'll be needing something more than speech to get through the game.
Just picked this up and ive modded it to work at Widescreen res, etc etc. So far very impressed with the game. With that said, the UI looks very... 1990's after such a resolution increase and i saw a very defined and good looking higher quality one on the website, ie


Anyone know where i can get that? My search attempts so far have been fruitless =(
Ausdoerrt said:
^ That looks like a screenshot of the original game stretched out to higher resolution w/o the patch. :(

Nah man, i can assure you that's modded, at least in comparison to mine. Looking at it though, it looks like the entire game is modded textures, rather than just the UI as well. WTB This mod.
As Ausdoerrt says it looks like the standard game, but stretched. Do you have more than 2gb of ram? If so the game isn't recognizing that you have enough ram and is using the lowest texture pack by default. There was a fix, with wesp's unofficial patches, for one of the dll files to solve this.
requiem_for_a_starfury said:
As Ausdoerrt says it looks like the standard game, but stretched. Do you have more than 2gb of ram? If so the game isn't recognizing that you have enough ram and is using the lowest texture pack by default. There was a fix, with wesp's unofficial patches, for one of the dll files to solve this.

Oh ok, cheers man. I had to get a fix to get the game to run at all because of a RAM issue, but ill have a look at those patch's and see if it will load more.

Edit: Yeah, both you guys were right. Downloaded Wesps patch and it looks 10 times better. Much <3
I used the Unofficial Patch v6.6, and it came bundled with a mod I used to change the resolution to 1920x1200.

I jacked up all the graphics settings to maximum, and it ran smooth as silk, which was nice. That's one of the great things about older games.