Vault you think *spoilers*


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Those of you who haven't visited Vault 11 yet definitely should. It's really interesting.

[spoiler:e632a51a95]In the entrance to Vault 11 you find 4 skeletons and one gun. The holotape makes it clear that there were 5 people there, and one of them shot the others and left. Do you think the person is still in the game? If so, who do you think it could be?[/spoiler:e632a51a95]
Vault 11 is easily the best location in the game, and pitch-perfect Fallout dark humor.

[spoiler:66145d8b7f]I never noticed one body was missing. Don't think you run into him, no[, but then again, why would he mention it. He obviously killed them to escape his guilt[/spoiler:66145d8b7f]
Brother None said:
Vault 11 is easily the best location in the game, and pitch-perfect Fallout dark humor.

Absolutely agreed. An excellent example of game design as well, as you are guided through the mystery without ever feeling railroaded. And the writing was just spot on.
Was this the vault where several rooms were flooded? I liked the story and writing, but those flooded room "puzzles" reminded me of Oblivion/FO3.
[spoiler:85f97fa7b3]I was feeling really depressed as I found out more about the Vault 11 "Elections".

Then that video started rolling and I could feel a single unmanly tear starting to form in my left eye.

When the robots attacked however, I started laughing my ass off.[/spoiler:85f97fa7b3]
Just found it. I'm still crying manly tears. [spoiler:5df073375b]999 people killed over nothing(one survived).[/spoiler:5df073375b]
11 was approximately "eargh." Don't remember why I wandered through it, and it wasn't terribly interesting.

Though I did learn a valuable lesson: Don't enter something called Sacrificial Chamber.
The ending was a bit predictable but the implementation of it was superb. The only real complaint I had about Vault 11 was that there were too many levels and I had to do a lot of crawling around to make sure I found all the recordings and whatnot. I was richly rewarded at the end when I walked into the light though.
Just finished it not 10 minutes. Holy shit, now THAT'S what I'm talking about!

I had to put the game down after that, there was no way I could continue playing after depressing shit like that.
Does anyone remember if the terminals were dated? I still it fascinating, that someone from Vault 11 could actually be in the game somewhere - or if not in NV, possibly in Fallout 1 or 2.

I concur that it's gotta be the best location in NV. I always thought the "Vault experiment" thing was a stupid idea, but Obsidian shows how to get it done RIGHT.

The shit Bethesda put in their vaults didn't even make sense. Like exposing musicians to subliminal messages in order to turn them into super soldiers - why musicians? I know when I think "unstoppable super soldier", I think Liberace.
lmao said:
Does anyone remember if the terminals were dated? I still it fascinating, that someone from Vault 11 could actually be in the game somewhere - or if not in NV, possibly in Fallout 1 or 2.

I concur that it's gotta be the best location in NV. I always thought the "Vault experiment" thing was a stupid idea, but Obsidian shows how to get it done RIGHT.

The shit Bethesda put in their vaults didn't even make sense. Like exposing musicians to subliminal messages in order to turn them into super soldiers - why musicians? I know when I think "unstoppable super soldier", I think Liberace.

I've been impressed with the Vaults in New Vegas. I was afraid they'd end up like the ones in Fallout 3, but they turned out great. Vault 11 was amazing, and it sure as hell beats a bunch of clones running around screaming GARRRYYYY!!.
BarackSays said:
[spoiler:c28e1e5423]Also, the survivor is Nobark.[/spoiler:c28e1e5423]

[spoiler:c28e1e5423]How did you find out? If this is true, then it would probably explain his insanity.[/spoiler:c28e1e5423]
Surf Solar said:
BarackSays said:
[spoiler:3260dea6bb]Also, the survivor is Nobark.[/spoiler:3260dea6bb]

[spoiler:3260dea6bb]How did you find out? If this is true, then it would probably explain his insanity.[/spoiler:3260dea6bb]

[spoiler:3260dea6bb]Haha I didn't, just something that made sense to me. I hope we find out who it was that left the Vault in a future DLC or game, but then again, they'd probably find a way to fuck it up and ruin the mystique.[/spoiler:3260dea6bb]
I don't think the survivor is still alive. The "Prepared Speech of Gus Olson, Ombudsman, for the Annual Overseer " was probably made for the last election, and in it this Gus Olson guy talks of the corruption that has engulfed the election and the vault in the last ten years (he also says "it wasn't long ago since we were ruled by our civility and dignity"). And I doubt it would need 150+ years in a situation like that for the morality to decay.