Very complex simulation/management games


First time out of the vault
I've recently started preferring games with lots of depth and sometimes a high learning curve, action and most storylines just don't interest me anymore, I want the stimulation of learning a complicated system. So far I've burned myself out on:

-Kerbal Space Program
-From The Depths
-X3:Terran Conflict and Albion Prelude
-Prison Architect
-Burned out for now on Children of a Dead Earth, but as soon as some more content is added I'll be back to optimizing my designs.

Anybody know some other good ones? I'm going to grab Cities:Skylines when it's next on sale as well.
I already have Rimworld, I enjoy it but I'm currently waiting for some more content. Last I played I was working on a massive vault. I'll consider giving Dwarf Fortress a try as well, I've been holding it off because ASCII art makes my eyes bleed and a friend told me the graphics packs are really buggy.
I've recently started preferring games with lots of depth and sometimes a high learning curve, action and most storylines just don't interest me anymore, I want the stimulation of learning a complicated system. So far I've burned myself out on:

-Kerbal Space Program
-From The Depths
-X3:Terran Conflict and Albion Prelude
-Prison Architect
-Burned out for now on Children of a Dead Earth, but as soon as some more content is added I'll be back to optimizing my designs.

Anybody know some other good ones? I'm going to grab Cities:Skylines when it's next on sale as well.
Cities Skylines is on sale right now, the Steam Sale just kicked off. 75% off.
Jagged Alliance 2. You fight and manage stuff.
You already played it ? You cannot have played it enough.
Only paradox games I can out right recommend are Stellaris and EU4.

CK2 has awful UI, complexity for complexity's sake mechanics, greedy and awful DLC policy and is just meh tbh.

Cant speak about HOI4 or Vicky tho.