what are the most usefull of the 7 main stats in fo3?


First time out of the vault
im in the character creation process where i pick my skills,so i hear strength and perception are the most important. is this the case? i played the first two fallouts but im told that the skills in this game are different in how and or if they affect you
Any of the combat skills. Speech if you want all the quests and rewards. Repair if you don't want you gear constantly falling apart. Sneak is good as well for lots of things. Science if you want to learn all the lore behind the game. The rest is pretty much useless.
ok,good to know. what about the 7 main s.p.e.c.i.a.l. primary attributes? when starting off? any suggestions where to dump the points? as i said i heard strength and perception were the most important
str for carry load
perception for noticing enemys
end for hitpoints -kinda useless
char for speech - kinda useless
int for skills - good
agi for action points - better spent elsewhere
luck for crits - ehh can be good, but if you leave a 5 in this you can take finesse to make it a ten when determing criticals
IN > ST = AG > PE > LK > EN > CH

For skills in order of usefulness;

Weapon skills
I wouldn't say ST is all that useful. Its influence on carry weight is minimal (10lb increase per point, I think).
Intelligence is useful, but only because of the skill points. AG is useful because of VATS.
There is no one attribute which governs everything else. It depends entirely on your style of gameplay which I believe is unique to every gamer.

Some love a good ol' brawl or gunfight while others prefer to be more covert and inconspicuous. A few others may even shun unnecessary confrontations altogether and try to talk their way out of everything.

If one were to infer from the experience garnered from playing the first two Fallout games, it's safe to say that you cannot go wrong with STR and PER.

With a high STR, you have a better chance at resisting damage and carrying more loot. Obviously, melee will be much easier as well. There are also some dialogue options available (intimidate with your sheer brute strength) if you have high STR.

PER IMHO is considerably of more importance. A high PER gives you a better chance at getting a critical strike and improves your aim in V.A.T.S. You're also prone to spot enemies before they spot you via the red flashes on your compass, allowing you to gauge and gain an upper hand during battles.

With that being said, the other S.P.E.C.I.A.L. are just as important but as I've mentioned, it depends solely on your style of gameplay. Don't be afraid to experiment. It's a RPG anyway and there's always F5.
SandmanX said:
There is no one attribute which governs everything else. It depends entirely on your style of gameplay which I believe is unique to every gamer.

Some love a good ol' brawl or gunfight while others prefer to be more covert and inconspicuous. A few others may even shun unnecessary confrontations altogether and try to talk their way out of everything.

If one were to infer from the experience garnered from playing the first two Fallout games, it's safe to say that you cannot go wrong with STR and PER.

With a high STR, you have a better chance at resisting damage and carrying more loot. Obviously, melee will be much easier as well. There are also some dialogue options available (intimidate with your sheer brute strength) if you have high STR.

PER IMHO is considerably of more importance. A high PER gives you a better chance at getting a critical strike and improves your aim in V.A.T.S. You're also prone to spot enemies before they spot you via the red flashes on your compass, allowing you to gauge and gain an upper hand during battles.

With that being said, the other S.P.E.C.I.A.L. are just as important but as I've mentioned, it depends solely on your style of gameplay. Don't be afraid to experiment. It's a RPG anyway and there's always F5.

EN affects your damage resistence, not strength.

PE has nothing to do with crits, that's LK.
I have a question regarding stats:

Do they go above 10 ?

If I have 7 luck and pick finesse will my crits be calculated from 12 luck or 10 ?

Also it seems that AG > STR as you would get +2 STR from power armor but -2 AG, wich means you will have to compensate for that if you want to use VATS.
Jinx_e said:
I have a question regarding stats:

Do they go above 10 ?

If I have 7 luck and pick finesse will my crits be calculated from 12 luck or 10 ?

Also it seems that AG > STR as you would get +2 STR from power armor but -2 AG, wich means you will have to compensate for that if you want to use VATS.

Stats don't go above 10, regardless of bonuses.

In other words, don't level them above 9; unless you really really really don't feel like getting the bobbleheads.

As for finesse, I assume that it gives the +5% crit bonus regardless of luck; as it isn't the only perk that can raise crits above 10 (the ninja perk gives +15% for melee/unarmed), although I may be giving beth too much credit.
so did i mess up by choosing str 9? seeing as u can get power armor that will put u at 10 when 8 regardless? becuz i already have the bobblehead head and im now at 10
Strength is good, helps you carry more stuff and even with 6 str and melee/unarmed skill below 20 i still do very good damage swinging combat knife and spiked knuckles when low on ammo or don't want to waste ammo when dogmeat is tanking.

Perception. Get 6 total if you want sniper perk (so far you can get plus 1 from ant quest and 1 from bobble head). If you don't want to get sniper perk get as low as possible, like 1-3 while starting. While this helps you spot enemies on your radar sooner dogmeat replaces this, his perception is like 90 and he always points towards enemies incoming.

Endurance. More hp. And not sure, but I think you get extra hp per level with endurance. It also says helps you resist radiation and damage, but not sure it does. Mine is 7.

Charisma. Have not tested this extensively BUT, Charisma is worthless so far, I have 7 charisma and random people still tell me to fuck off, and there was only once when doing the research book that I could use [Charisma] and I didn't even try that because there was a [Intellect] option and I picked that one because my int is 10.

Intelligence. Very good I start with 10, you get 10 base skill points per level and then 1 more skill point per level per intelligence you have. And it is often a speech option to help you finish quests. Short explaination but probably the most important stat. Yes i know i am wasting the bobble head here, but if I can't get to that bobble head till level 14 I wasted 14 skill points.

Agility. Started with 5 so I could boost other stats, bad idea. Starting pouring intense training perk into this to get it up to 9. This affects what your max action point are for vats. Also your vat points fill to full in about 10 seconds no matter how many you have. So if you have 10 action points total you would be getting 1 point per second if you have 100 action points total you will be getting 10 back per second. Second most important, especially if using any type of gun.

Luck. Each luck gives you 1 more percent chance to crit. Have not tested this, but Finesse perk gives you the equivilent to 5 luck points to crit. Not sure if this can go above 10. I started with 4 because I felt when watching videos those guys crit enough. And I am not sure how much this increases your chance of random encounters. It's one of those stats that will be obscure. I started with 4, got the lucky 8 ball from big town quest, got the bobblehead got finesse. So I am basically sitting around with 11 luck and not sure if that 11th point is doing anything.

You distribute 40 points when starting the game and if I started over today i would make it somethign like this:

S: 5
I: 10
A: 9
L: 3

Speech might be tough but with 7 charisma and speech at 80 I still fail speeches most times. And all speech does is let you skip quests. You shouldn't want to skip quests if you bought the game. Might get you a code to a safe or let in somewhere, but usually there are 3 other ways to get the code or be let in. It used to be you had to have good speech to get anything done in fallout 1/2 now just pick the nicest sounding option and you will get what you want. Unless you are trying to get with the slavers then pick the meanest sounding one.

Also not sure if you need a minimum charisma to pick up certain followers or not, so far what i have read you don't need to meet any charisma minimum just depends on karma.