What Pisses You Off?


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
There are moments in the Fallout games that really piss me when they happen. Sometimes I get so mad I want to just blow off someone's head. I can't tell you how great a relief it is!

For example:

-In Fallout 2, I save a merchant and his guards from raiders, only for him to tell me to buzz off because he doesn't care much for me being a do-gooder.
-In Fallout 2, I save a family of farmers from raiders, yet they still tell me to keep my hands where they can see them! Talk about ingratitude!
-Fallout 3 has plenty of them. Especially during Trouble on the Homefront. When someone told me I didn't belong in the vault anymore, I snuck up behind him and reduced him to goo with my plasma rifle.
-When I encountered two people surrounding a fridge full of purified water, they had already killed the other two. Even when I told them that I was just minding my own business, they kept yelling at me to go away. Then they did the same to Dogmeat when he got too close. When they opened fire on him, I came to my canine pal's defense and killed them before taking the water from the fridge. Another time, instead of walking away, I pulled out a weapon and killed them both before they had a chance to attack! Serves them right! If only they had asked nicely and said please, they might still be alive.
-Dave in the republic asks me to leave, threatening to have me executed for treason. Well excuse me, but I never pledged allegiance to him in the first place, so how could I be a traitor? That was enough for me to blow his brains out. Mr. Crowley was very happy about that.
-Princess in Little Lamplight has quite an attitude for a little kid. I makes me feel so good to make her cry seeing as how you can't kill kids in Fallout 3.

How about the rest of you? Have certain moments ever made you snap? What moments in the Fallout games really piss you off?
The entirety of Fallout 3/4
The fact that new vegas lowkey acknowledges 3 with vague dialogue with Veronica and ED-E
the lack of an option to give the securitron army to the BOS
Why can't you tell Veronica about christine and vice versa
Why can't you discuss gizmos child sex ring with literally anyone
The obvious cut content
Lack of legion content
Fo2 constantly going full retard
Bethesda owning the fallout license

Every time I fInd myself asking "why can't I do that"
I was annoyed that the Mechanist in FO3, did not notice or acknowledge the player character wearing actual power armor.
I was playing Fallout 2 the other day, trying to save the Modoc brahmin herd from wild dogs. Vic misses his first shot on a dog and hits a brahmin instead by accident. The poor mutated cows are utterly peaceful, but that doesn't stop my companions from proceeding to go full retard and serving them generous helpings of hot lead for turn after turn as I attempt in vain to kill the dogs before the whole herd is culled.

This is a mechanic I have such a love/hate relationship with. It can lead to some hilarious situations when misses or careless bursts lead to utter chaos in the Reno casinos, but in many cases it's a real pain in the ass that can turn whole cities against you if you're not willing to reload.
Fallout/Fallout 2: When both you and an enemy miss each other like 7 turns in a row. What a waste of time. There should have been guaranteed hits programmed into the engine after a certain number of misses to keep things moving.

Fallout 3: Why the fuck is sending Fawkes into the radioactive purifier chamber not a viable option? He is literally immune to radiation. You send him into the depths of Vault 87 to do the same shit earlier in the story and it's totally ok. It's like everyone wants you to commit suicide for no reason. Lazy ass writers.

New Vegas: Your worst fears become a reality when you look at Veronica's hand and realize the unique displacer glove you gave her is no longer in her possession. Hours of backtracking later, you finally find it in a dark corner of Vault 22 surrounded by dead praying mantises. Who the fuck decided it was a good idea to let companions drop weapons? Also when was the last time anybody saw ED-E? Is that bastard stuck in a cliff somewhere again?

Fallout 4: Let's give players power armor, a minigun, and have them fight a goddamn deathclaw 15 minutes into the game. Genius, absolutely genius. Samus should have gotten missiles and fought Kraid in the first area of Super Metroid. Modern Warfare 2 matches should have just started with everyone in AC130s and promoted you to 10th prestige after you finished one game. Progression, reward, sense of accomplishment, who the fuck needs that gay ass shit? We're Bethesda. Our customers will buy anything!
Fallout 3: Why the fuck is sending Fawkes into the radioactive purifier chamber not a viable option? He is literally immune to radiation. You send him into the depths of Vault 87 to do the same shit earlier in the story and it's totally ok. It's like everyone wants you to commit suicide for no reason. Lazy ass writers.
What's even worst is that Charon is also immune and has the added bonus of having to obey everything that his contract holder orders him to do, and he also refuses to do it.
Sargent RL-3 is also a viable choice that can do it without dying.
What's even worst is that Charon is also immune and has the added bonus of having to obey everything that his contract holder orders him to do, and he also refuses to do it.
Sargent RL-3 is also a viable choice that can do it without dying.

Shit, I completely forgot Fallout 3 even had other companions between Fawkes and the dog. And of course they would be a robot and a ghoul. Lazy writing x3.
Entering the Pitt wearing Power Armor and getting beat up and pass out from a few raiders with sticks. :wiggle:
Fallout 3: Why the fuck is sending Fawkes into the radioactive purifier chamber not a viable option? He is literally immune to radiation. You send him into the depths of Vault 87 to do the same shit earlier in the story and it's totally ok. It's like everyone wants you to commit suicide for no reason. Lazy ass writers.
Nah, Bethesda clearly wanted you to buy the option to do so.
New Vegas: Your worst fears become a reality when you look at Veronica's hand and realize the unique displacer glove you gave her is no longer in her possession. Hours of backtracking later, you finally find it in a dark corner of Vault 22 surrounded by dead praying mantises. Who the fuck decided it was a good idea to let companions drop weapons? Also when was the last time anybody saw ED-E? Is that bastard stuck in a cliff somewhere again?

I'm still salty about that time Cass dropped the unique DinnerBell shotgun (which had turned her into a one-woman killing machine)
Nah, Bethesda clearly wanted you to buy the option to do so.

Sadly, if Fallout 3 was released in today's exploitative industry, I wouldn't even doubt that a little bit. The worst part is, even with Broken Steel installed, you get basically the same outcome whether you send a companion into the chamber or not. Only difference is they treat you like a punk ass little bitch if you didn't have the balls to unnecessarily kill yourself.

I'm still salty about that time Cass dropped the unique DinnerBell shotgun (which had turned her into a one-woman killing machine)

And I'm still salty about the time Rex decided to mysteriously run away forever with all my pre-war money still stashed up his robotic ass. At least Obsidian added the companion terminal eventually, which I assume stopped most of the anthrax letters arriving in their mailbox.
Sadly, if Fallout 3 was released in today's exploitative industry, I wouldn't even doubt that a little bit. The worst part is, even with Broken Steel installed, you get basically the same outcome whether you send a companion into the chamber or not. Only difference is they treat you like a punk ass little bitch if you didn't have the balls to unnecessarily kill yourself
Because people complained that it was actually stupid and they also wanted to continue playing after the story was over. The former was true and having a companion that was immune to radiation going there instead of you should have been an option at release, maybe leading to a different ending. The latter actually pisses me off because god forbid a game having an actual ending.
Sadly, if Fallout 3 was released in today's exploitative industry, I wouldn't even doubt that a little bit. The worst part is, even with Broken Steel installed, you get basically the same outcome whether you send a companion into the chamber or not. Only difference is they treat you like a punk ass little bitch if you didn't have the balls to unnecessarily kill yourself.

And I'm still salty about the time Rex decided to mysteriously run away forever with all my pre-war money still stashed up his robotic ass. At least Obsidian added the companion terminal eventually, which I assume stopped most of the anthrax letters arriving in their mailbox.
I hate it when my companions get stung by a cazadore and I just know I have to load the last save because they'll just fucking die, even faster if I try to stimpak them.
What Pisses You Off?

Bethesda's treatment of Harold, and careless recycling of names and systems—in ways that detract from the original series.

VATS was a place that could be visited in Fallout; in FO3 it's been retconned into a Vault-Tec product. The actual mechanics of V.A.T.S. are an uninformed parody of the original game...
V.A.T.S. slows time for everyone else, and lets the PC attack them while they are slowed, and while being protected from them with a 90% damage shield. They cherry picked one possible action from a balanced, double-edged combat system, made it an 'I win' button... and presented it as a throwback to the turn based nature of the series—from before their contamination of it with their own puerile efforts.

With Bethesda...it's like those kids in Mad Max 3, wearing collected junk from the airplane; cluelessly re-purposed into how they think it must have worked.
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Cazadores in general just piss me off.

Especially when they're directly north of Goodsprings and all you want to do is go to Red Rock Canyon.

Bethesda's treatment of Harold, and careless recycling of names and systems—in ways that detract from the original series.

Oh, you mean like Dogmeat, FEV, super mutants, the Brotherhood of Steel, the Enclave, and basically every energy weapon? Yeah, I'd say that's up there for me too. Poor fucking Vault Boy got sentenced to a fate worse than death: being handed over to a corporate marketing department.

With Bethesda...it's like those kids in Mad Max 3, wearing collected junk from the airplane; cluelessly re-purposed into how they think it must have worked.

Almost worse than that. It's like if they had the airplane manual sitting next to them the whole time and just decided not to read it. I mean who the fuck makes a sequel to a game without playing the original?