Where to Store my Loot?

Whispering Death

First time out of the vault
In Fallout I could commandeer any locker for loot storage.
In Oblivion, most of the containers/lockers "reset" and if you put stuff in there, it'll be gone when you get back.
However, in Oblivion if you just drop stuff on the ground, it will stay there when you return.

So my question is, where can I put the stuff I think I'm going to need later, but don't want to carry around on me without it dissapearing?
The locker in the Galactic News Station (whatever it's called, I can't remember it off the top of my head) has lockers that don't dissipate items.
How to get a own House:


Dunno if you can get the house if you nuke Megaton, but thats how i got my one in Megaton:

Go tell the Sherrif that there is a guy who wants to nuke Megaton.
Follow him into the Saloon - and SAVE! - when the sherrif is turning around to leave the saloon instantly shoot the bomb guy, otherwise the sherrif will be dead.
After that eat a Mentat and go and disarm the Bomb. Then go and talk again with the Sherrif.
He give you then the Key to your first House. The good thing at the house is the Robot inside who gives you a few pure waters per day and the med station you can buy at the suplly shop. it cures you from all rad etc.

the lockers and the fridge are perfect for storing stuff.

Freudian said:
There should be a shopping cart where homeless people could store their stuff.

There is some shopping cart just nearby Vault's exit.
It can be even maneuverable and filled with things but unfortunately it's kinda poitless fun with havoc [generally this part is a little bit annoying than in Oblivion since using of the "grab" button is a bit better], because moving and arranging things with precision is a bit futile exercise.

Cart-like container could be possibly made as an mod but I am not sure if it would be movable [maybe like some kind of companion - so PC would end up talking to some cart that rolls for its own when asked to ;)] and I doubt things put in it would be visible 'outside' in gameworld.
Nopsi said:
How to get a own House:


Dunno if you can get the house if you nuke Megaton, but thats how i got my one in Megaton:

Go tell the Sherrif that there is a guy who wants to nuke Megaton.
Follow him into the Saloon - and SAVE! - when the sherrif is turning around to leave the saloon instantly shoot the bomb guy, otherwise the sherrif will be dead.
After that eat a Mentat and go and disarm the Bomb. Then go and talk again with the Sherrif.
He give you then the Key to your first House. The good thing at the house is the Robot inside who gives you a few pure waters per day and the med station you can buy at the suplly shop. it cures you from all rad etc.

the lockers and the fridge are perfect for storing stuff.


[spoiler:083bb4f231]If the sheriff dies, his son will give you the key. I wanted to defend Simms, but he died (I think - never found his dead body). Then I accidentaly met his son and he gave me the key.[/spoiler:083bb4f231]
[spoiler:98a8673fc2]and at Simms' there is a bobblehead, upstairs, on a desk. The strength one[/spoiler:98a8673fc2]
Nopsi said:
How to get a own House:


Dunno if you can get the house if you nuke Megaton, but thats how i got my one in Megaton:

Go tell the Sherrif that there is a guy who wants to nuke Megaton.
Follow him into the Saloon - and SAVE! - when the sherrif is turning around to leave the saloon instantly shoot the bomb guy, otherwise the sherrif will be dead.
After that eat a Mentat and go and disarm the Bomb. Then go and talk again with the Sherrif.
He give you then the Key to your first House. The good thing at the house is the Robot inside who gives you a few pure waters per day and the med station you can buy at the suplly shop. it cures you from all rad etc.

the lockers and the fridge are perfect for storing stuff.


[spoiler:acab5adcc6]If you nuke the town, you go to 10penny tower and are given a hotel room (from on of the reviews I read on here)[/spoiler:acab5adcc6]
Lexx said:
Nopsi said:
How to get a own House:


Dunno if you can get the house if you nuke Megaton, but thats how i got my one in Megaton:

Go tell the Sherrif that there is a guy who wants to nuke Megaton.
Follow him into the Saloon - and SAVE! - when the sherrif is turning around to leave the saloon instantly shoot the bomb guy, otherwise the sherrif will be dead.
After that eat a Mentat and go and disarm the Bomb. Then go and talk again with the Sherrif.
He give you then the Key to your first House. The good thing at the house is the Robot inside who gives you a few pure waters per day and the med station you can buy at the suplly shop. it cures you from all rad etc.

the lockers and the fridge are perfect for storing stuff.


[spoiler:95e399262d]If the sheriff dies, his son will give you the key. I wanted to defend Simms, but he died (I think - never found his dead body). Then I accidentaly met his son and he gave me the key.[/spoiler:95e399262d]

The irritating part is that [spoiler:95e399262d]you can't defend Lucas Simms even if you wanted to. I killed Burke before he managed to whack Simms but then, Simms continues walking as if nothing happened so I don't get the house nor the key from Simms' son. Eventually I just disarmed the bomb without ratting out Burke and Simms gave me the key to my new abode. Burke then vanishes from the saloon.[/spoiler:95e399262d]

Someone at Bethesda has a sick fascination with PC game magic tricks.
if you buy a robot you can use its inventory to store stuff and just leave it somewhere. I'm trying to remember where I bought the robot, I think it was in the parking lot of the robco factory