Workaround for Fallout 2 and Windows 7 issues


First time out of the vault
I bought the F1/F2/tactics series in a box. F1 took the high-res patch in fine, however not so F2, it said that it expected version 1.02 (the boxed version is 1.01). So I go find a 1.02 patch, except that then windows 7 doesn't let me install it, because it's 32 bit and I'm 64 bit. Gaaah!!

After trying a lot of stuff, downloading a lot of things, etc. an idea dawned on me. It's nothing technical, just practical. I have an old Windows XP machine at work. So, I installed the game there, patched it there, and high-res'd it there. Then I copied the whole folder to a portable memory and replaced the one on my windows 7 machine with it. That's all! Works perfect!

BTW if your version is 1.01 in English, you need the UK patch 1.02e. If it's 1.0 it's US and you need the US patch 1.02d. I had a little hard time figuring this out.

It's not like I discovered boiled water or something, but I hope this will help someone who has the same problem.

Of course, you do need access to an older computer... That could be a problem... :crazy: