Recent content by goffy59

  1. goffy59

    modoc quest guarding brahman GVARS

    Hello, So I have a case of some bad OCD. I already restarted the game to try out the Maria mod(im using restoration project as well) but the issue is that this time around after finishing ALOT of quests from different towns I forgot to guard the brahman/complete the quest and now I cannot speak...
  2. goffy59

    Wasteland 2 released!

    My biggest annoyance on here of some fellow NMA-ers is there distaste for games that do not run on your computer. Like fucking seriously, computers are an industry and they constantly get better. You can't expect a developer to cater to such a small fucking percentage of people who refuse to...
  3. goffy59

    IGN's Top 100 RPG list is Pretty Stupid

    When Pokemon was coming out, I hated the game. It really trips me out that such a piece of shit series gets any respect. Most people like it for nostalgia and girls love it cause it looks cute. But its pretty fail. Sometimes I wonder why adults play it. It seems like it caters to little kids...
  4. goffy59

    Wasteland 2 tidbits

    Kudos for giving me kudos! lulz
  5. goffy59

    Vostok Games announced F2P MMO Survarium

    I was randomly looking at my posts. Many WOW clones do a piss poor job at implementing borrowed features. Anyhow.... Blizzard looks is though their "golden age" is fading. Diablo 3 was disappointing. There are more features in Diablo 2.
  6. goffy59

    Wasteland 2 tidbits

    I've had my share of Fallout worship. I've said goodbye a long time ago. I don't even visit this site for Fallout news anymore. It doesn't interest me anymore. Fallout 1/2/tactics-and I'm done. I played New Vegas, never finished it. About 160+ hours into it. At one point I lost the drive to...
  7. goffy59

    Colin McComb joins Wasteland 2's team

    Mass Effect is probably better referred to as an action rpg. I think the whole point is so you can go through the game similar to a movie. That is why I like it. I spend less time fighting then I do talking/exploring. I know this is off topic but I love to respond to elitists here on the good ol...
  8. goffy59

    Colin McComb joins Wasteland 2's team

    Mass Effect is a pretty good game. I don't understand the hate. I mean, I get the whole "I don't want every RPG to be like this" but saying the game is bad is what I call "bad taste". Perhaps you should try using the female instead of the male, that women did a way better job in the voice acting...
  9. goffy59

    Wasteland 2 screenshot and tidbits

    I'd say the hardest part of D&D is having the imagination for it. I find it more difficult as I get older to appreciate text based games. I used to play a game called Ikariam for awhile... mostly a text based game with a few dozen graphics. Maybe people here know how to play WOW and its easy for...
  10. goffy59

    Brian Fargo on Wasteland 2's development schedule

    Its almost like this is a modding project.... yet the only difference is, they will actually deliver. hahaha So sad that most mods started never get completed.
  11. goffy59

    Fargo Kickstarter interview, Keenan on PC appearance

    I liked Icewind Dale for this reason. While there were some items that were in bulk, the actual good items were unique and you had to pick in choose who in your party gets what. Fallout 1/2/Tactics never did that good of a job of making items unique. An exception on Fallout 2 were some of the...
  12. goffy59

    Fallout: New Vegas tech producer Reddit Q&A

    What is wrong with Reddit? Sometimes I wonder about us NMA members. We all seem to have a completely fucked off view of things that are NOT Fallout. At least we can agree that Fallout(Series, besides BOS/POS) is awesome! Its funny how I had to clarify that. I could of said: Fallout 2, then...
  13. goffy59

    Wasteland 2 screenshot and tidbits

    I find it funny how people mention WOW on this forum with regret or guilt. I'll just say right now... WOW is one of the most amazing gaming experiences ever. The only downside is the price. But if that's all you play, its WAYYYY worth it. Anyone on here who says WOW sucks either hasn't really...
  14. goffy59

    Vostok Games announced F2P MMO Survarium

    WOW was neat because Blizzard was able to exploit a rich game world (Warcraft), take in features from other successful MMO's while continuing to innovate with their own thought up features or at least versions of them. I hope they do something similar because it works quite well. But WOW clones...