Recent content by LeoArcticaa

  1. LeoArcticaa

    Campaign Missions

    Nevermind ^^ I found what I needed. Thanks much bud ^^
  2. LeoArcticaa

    Campaign Missions

    Ok I found SOME of the campaign maps but not all of them. I found: Bunker 1 Bunker 2 Bunker 5 Mission 1 Mission 2 Mission 3 Mission 4 Mission 6 Mission 9 Mission 11 Mission 23 Mission 24 And I can open them, but dunno where the others are. You say they are all around? Do you know...
  3. LeoArcticaa

    Campaign Missions

    Thanks a bunch mate ^^ i'll give a look around. Thanks again ^^
  4. LeoArcticaa

    Campaign Missions

    Or is there someplace where I can download the maps?
  5. LeoArcticaa

    Campaign Missions

    This might be a little old but I felt like asking anyway. Is there a way to access the campaign maps in the editor? From what I remember, you cant unless you use Redux/Equilibrium mods and they add a bunch of stuff I don't want in the map, like the new ammo and weapons. Is there a way to get...
  6. LeoArcticaa

    Fallout Tactics utility Item Descriptions

    Ah I see. Ok i'll give that a go ^^ thanks much bud.
  7. LeoArcticaa

    Fallout Tactics utility Item Descriptions

    Hey bud, thanks for the tip, but one question, do I need to add my custom character to the list in order to put my description in? Or are you saying to use the prefab1 file to MAKE a new character in the editor, save it, change the description in the file then save it in the recruits folder...
  8. LeoArcticaa

    Fallout Tactics utility Item Descriptions

    Thats cool thanks bud ^^ Ill tinker around and try that out. I'll yell if it works or not :P or If I fuck up XD
  9. LeoArcticaa

    Post-apocalyptic news

    To each their own :P I personally like them both :P Mutant Year Zero has alot more humour tho :P
  10. LeoArcticaa

    Fallout Tactics utility Item Descriptions

    And before anyone says, I did read the Read Me for the editor, so unless im blind and noob XD, I cant find any instructions on how to add text to entities.
  11. LeoArcticaa

    Post-apocalyptic news

    I love Mutant Year Zero ^^ even doing a playthrough on my YT channel as well. And I love it ^^ XCOM with mutants and characters who break the 4th wall constantly XD, whats not to like?
  12. LeoArcticaa

    The Ice Is Nice ^^

    The Ice Is Nice ^^
  13. LeoArcticaa

    The Ice is Nice ^^

    The Ice is Nice ^^
  14. LeoArcticaa

    Fallout Tactics utility Item Descriptions

    Hey everyone. I'm new here but its cool to be here ^^ I have a little problem thats been bugging me for a while now. I've been using the Fallout Tactics Editor to make my own characters, items, weapons ect ect ect. It's all working good but I dunno how to add item/character descriptions like...