Nub Youtuber and Artist
Hey everyone.
I'm new here but its cool to be here ^^
I have a little problem thats been bugging me for a while now.
I've been using the Fallout Tactics Editor to make my own characters, items, weapons ect ect ect.
It's all working good but I dunno how to add item/character descriptions like you see in the main game. I tried clicking on the blank paper thing that appears in the middle of the screen when you enter the character screen, under the tag skills.
And I really hate the fact that I dunno how to do this (I like giving descriptions on everything I make in a RPG :p)
I have searched the editor and the net to best of my ability but I see no option or anything to click on to start adding text to my creation.
Could someone give a nub modder some pointers on how to do this?
I'm new here but its cool to be here ^^
I have a little problem thats been bugging me for a while now.
I've been using the Fallout Tactics Editor to make my own characters, items, weapons ect ect ect.
It's all working good but I dunno how to add item/character descriptions like you see in the main game. I tried clicking on the blank paper thing that appears in the middle of the screen when you enter the character screen, under the tag skills.
And I really hate the fact that I dunno how to do this (I like giving descriptions on everything I make in a RPG :p)
I have searched the editor and the net to best of my ability but I see no option or anything to click on to start adding text to my creation.
Could someone give a nub modder some pointers on how to do this?