Recent content by Michael of the Wastes

  1. M

    Females in Caesars Legion

    So... if you planned on Roleplaying your character as part of Caesar's legion, or wanted to do their quests, and you're a female character... how does that make sense? Doesn't Caesar's legion just enslave every single women it comes across?
  2. M

    Are you ready?

    I've got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle.... as I gooooo ridin' merrily along! I am so beyond excited for the release. I preordered on Steam and preloaded, just waiting for the release date. Tuesday needs to hurry up, anyone else agree?
  3. M

    My Views on The Role of the NCR in New Vegas

    There is nothing wrong with the United States you god damn hippies.
  4. M


    Am I the only one who wanted more of a storyline with Amata?
  5. M

    Another Fallout 3 won't launch thread [Please do not move]

    Quick update here, me and my friend messed with it- they'll both run in windowed mode, but anytime we try to go to full screen it'll crash. I'm reinstalling.
  6. M

    Another Fallout 3 won't launch thread [Please do not move]

    Nope, Windows 7 tells me "Searching for a solution..." and when it can't find one, it says I will be notified in the future if a solution is available. Useless basically. I verified integrity of the game cache this morning, oblivion was missing a file, but still didn't work. Why does it...
  7. M

    Another Fallout 3 won't launch thread [Please do not move]

    Also, as for crash information, I don't get any errors, just "Fallout 3 has stopped working" or "Oblivion has stopped working"
  8. M

    Another Fallout 3 won't launch thread [Please do not move]

    I'm not good with computer specs, but it's a Dell XPS 8100 Intel Core i7 CPU, 8 GB RAM, Windows 7 64 bit, nVida GTS240, uhhh... what else would help you? It's a brand new computer, I installed directX up to date, and Oblivion started working perfectly. Worked for a very long time too...
  9. M

    Another Fallout 3 won't launch thread [Please do not move]

    Thanks for the idea, I tried it out, still didn't work. basically, it goes Launch screen -> Play -> Loads up-black screen -> "Fallout 3 has stopped working"
  10. M

    Another Fallout 3 won't launch thread [Please do not move]

    PLEEEASE do not move this. I am in dire need of help. : ( Fallout 3 will not launch on my computer. I have Windows 7 64 bit I recently installed Fallout 3: GOTY from Steam, and tried to boot it up, it didn't work and would go to the "Fallout 3 has stopped working" message with no error...
  11. M

    Another Fallout 3 won't launch thread

    Fallout 3 will not launch on my computer. I have Windows 7 64 bit I recently installed Fallout 3: GOTY from Steam, and tried to boot it up, it didn't work and would go to the "Fallout 3 has stopped working" message with no error. Then, after a restart, a patch started downloading. The...
  12. M

    Fallout Trilogy

    Alright, I'll keep that in mind. Unfortunately my current problem is that I bought a rope, used it, only to find a 2nd elevator shaft. : | ALLLLLSOOOOO I know a lot of people complain about FO3's story telling, er.. dialogues or something. FO seems to be more descriptive, but I don't know...
  13. M

    Fallout Trilogy

    A ROPE! Jesus, thanks you guys. I'd be lost. This game really has shed some light on why people are pissed off at Fallout 3, this game is WAY harder.
  14. M

    Fallout Trilogy

    Patch? Alright cool. Thank you : )
  15. M

    Fallout Trilogy

    Just bought the Fallout Trilogy, anything I should know before I head out into the wastes? 8-)