Another Fallout 3 won't launch thread [Please do not move]

Michael of the Wastes

First time out of the vault
PLEEEASE do not move this. I am in dire need of help. : (

Fallout 3 will not launch on my computer. I have Windows 7 64 bit

I recently installed Fallout 3: GOTY from Steam, and tried to boot it up, it didn't work and would go to the "Fallout 3 has stopped working" message with no error.

Then, after a restart, a patch started downloading. The patch was fine, I played maybe three times, ultra high graphics- so my settings or computer aren't the problem, and then it froze in Super Duper Mart.

"No big deal," I thought, and shut the game off to go play something else.

Well, now it won't launch. It hasn't launched for two weeks. I can't find a solution ANYWHERE online. My head is going to explode.

I don't have ffdshow or whatever, I don't know what to do.

I just need help.

Please? : (

Update: Oh, Oblivion isn't working now either. : (
Don't know if it will work for you but I used Fallout mod manager to fix that problem. Just install it and use it to run the game instead of the FO3 Icon.
Thanks for the idea, I tried it out, still didn't work.

basically, it goes

Launch screen -> Play -> Loads up-black screen -> "Fallout 3 has stopped working"
See if someone can come up with any better ideas. You always have the option of reinstalling the game. But wait a bit for few more responses.
Google tells me there's a shitload of people with a similar problem and if it's simply Beth's bad coding there's not a lot we can do.

Firstly, give us a list of computer specs and the technical information for the crash screen so we can pinpoint it to a more specific problem.

Secondly, try verify game content with steam. Some file's may be incomplete or corrupt. I had to do the same with Batman to get it to run a certain level.

Thirdly, if Oblivion is doing it as well i'd recommend reinstalling Graphics drivers (Driver Sweep them as well, don't half ass it).
I'm not good with computer specs, but it's a Dell XPS 8100

Intel Core i7 CPU, 8 GB RAM, Windows 7 64 bit, nVida GTS240, uhhh... what else would help you?

It's a brand new computer, I installed directX up to date, and Oblivion started working perfectly. Worked for a very long time too, while Fallout 3 wasn't working. I keep updating my graphics drivers like my friends tell me to, and it's not working. What do you mean full driver sweep/don't half ass it?
Michael of the Wastes said:
What do you mean full driver sweep/don't half ass it?

Eh, probably not important. Don't worry about it.

So when it crashes, you don't have a drop down you can press to get error dialogue?
Nope, Windows 7 tells me "Searching for a solution..." and when it can't find one, it says I will be notified in the future if a solution is available. Useless basically.

I verified integrity of the game cache this morning, oblivion was missing a file, but still didn't work.

Why does it have to be my "Oh nobody is online, lets play a singleplayer game" games that don't work? : (
steam has been very busy of late with the alien swarm release a few days ago, it could be that checking the cache files might have failed, as the servers have been too busy, also I have read reports that the geforce drviers, very recent releases have been causing loads of issues with games, 257.15 and 257.21 have major issues, not sure about after that, but it could be a driver issue, if possible, roll back to earlier drivers,

another thing it could be, was screen ress are you running the game in, what what is your desktop ress? if you try and run stuff above the desktop ress, you may encounter problems,

you could try this, if you have got a desktop short cut for FO3, right click on it then properties, where it says target, at the very end, after the " add a space then add -window

that should force the game to run in a window, see if that works, then set your graphics settings back to default, but googling around, some people do seem to be having issues with FO3 on steam, but maybe the above may or may not work, I have the disk version, none GOTY edition, and it works fine on my windows 7 64bit system
Quick update here, me and my friend messed with it- they'll both run in windowed mode, but anytime we try to go to full screen it'll crash. I'm reinstalling.
Someone gifted me F3 game of the year edition a couple of days ago. I installed it and got the same error as OP.


i7 920
6 gb Ram
hd 4890
Vista X64