Recent content by Ox-Skull

  1. O

    Fallout Tactics utility FTSE - Fallout Tactics Scripting Engine (0.55a)

    Awesome work melindil, definitely checking this out.
  2. O

    Fallout tactics mod in Unity3D

    Man this looks awesome. I noticed with the bursting of the ghouls, they were dying before the burst animation was happening. I started drooling when i saw that dialouge tree. I know you are aiming for a multiplayer aspect, but will modders be able to make singleplayer game out of this?
  3. O

    Creating my firts map, looking for help

    Above were the tiles are selected, it has 'Tiles selected for placement = 0' If its working this should show the amount you have selected. just did quick test, its working using Ft improver and without, and you can just hold shift down when selecting. @salvador, before using alt to drag select...
  4. O

    Creating my firts map, looking for help

    You can select several tiles you want using shift, then when you place them, it will randomly choose another tile in the list you have selected. So you wont have to keep choosing the nxt wall/tile, same can be done with ground tiles. You can "select" a tile more than once with shift, so that it...
  5. O

    List of HEX-based fixes/changes in Bos.exe file

    Microforte, an australian based game company are the ones who created fallout tactics, they would have more of an idea about this. But i doubt they would be able to help either.
  6. O

    Fallout Tactics mod The Sum (1.7.1a)

    Hugo, do u know you can make your own directory structure(has to follow Tactics) for your user created stuff. Then in bos.exe, in its properties add the name of your mod directory so looks like this (Bos.exe -Thesum) That way you will only need to upload the files from your created directory...
  7. O

    Is there a method to fix the clock on pipboy 2000 in ver1.27 ?

    Somewhere in that vicinity lol, but yes maybe its d.
  8. O

    Any progress on overwriting armour colors?

    If jarek ever adds color slider, they wouldnt take long to make at all. It would be every tactics modders dream, if jarek appeared back on the scene.
  9. O

    Any progress on overwriting armour colors?

    My last conversation with jarekfall (creater of sprite creater) i requested if a color slider similar to how it is in the tactics entity editor could be added for the layers in sprite creater. In this way the metal armor .spr (or any sprite) file could be made to look like black armor re-saved...
  10. O

    List of HEX-based fixes/changes in Bos.exe file

    Resolution patch change? what does it do, does it let game display splash screens that are greater than 800x600? It would be cool also if tactics had support for PNG splash screens, it only uses Jpeg.
  11. O

    Is there a method to fix the clock on pipboy 2000 in ver1.27 ?

    Im pretty sure the key 'x' or try z,c or v, will display the time/date on info display screen.
  12. O

    Encounter Rate in Fallout Tactics

    I think that it uses DX 8.0a which u can install from the tactics cd/dvd
  13. O

    New vehicles sprites (demo).

    That is epicly awesome!!!! :D Sweet job.
  14. O

    Looking For The Speech Tree System

    Besides being able to shoot them and what not, did the response buttons lead to the correct NPC responses? Because a moddb member tested it, and he mentioned being able to shoot them, but besides that it functioned properly.
  15. O

    Looking For The Speech Tree System

    Im not so sure about the skill/stat checks. It was enough of a headache just getting the right NPC responses to the dilaogue chosen by the player. Have you looked at the scripting triggers for it, it still boggles my mind. Also i used Jarekfalls sprite creator program to create the text...