Ok, since no one talked about this movie (I don't even know if anyone besides me watched it), I will do the honours.
Like Toront said before, it's definitely a B movie. But it's a fun B movie to watch.
Scorpion is the tough main character. But unlike many main characters, he loses a few times in fights and only survives because he has good friends. This makes it more believable than the "invincible main character" we see in many movies.
I liked how all the weapons and vehicles were represented as being electric (even what looked like to be an M-16

), this removes the need for coming up with a reason why there would still be usable gas and ammo in a post-apocalyptic world 7 years (at least I think they said it was 7 years) after the end of civilization.
I liked how it showed that humans were still hanging on to hope and trying to gather together to form new communities. I also liked the evil faction and how their leader thought there was no hope since human society was gone forever, so he would just speed up the destruction of humanity by killing anyone that wasn't part of his faction. When confronted with people telling him that they found radio signals that could prove that there was still civilization out there he just denied it and refused to listen. He was too lost on his convictions and beliefs and wouldn't ever admit to being wrong or that what he was doing was wrong in any way.
I liked how it was implied that One (leader of the evil faction called the Templars) was in love with Scorpion (the main character) who had been part of the Templars in the past but left since he liked life too much or something like that.
I liked how the main villain met his end, which I won't spoil here, but it was pretty symbolic.
I would have liked some more background information about Scorpion's friends. Where Nadir comes from and how did he meet Scorpion would be an interesting story, same for the young Genius, what's his backstory? How did he manage to survive by himself, where did he learn so much about gadgets and stuff, and what kind of projectiles did he use on his slingshot?
Some things that could have been better in my opinion:
Once again, I thought that the romance between Scorpion and Alma was too rushed (just like the one from The Omega Man).
I wondered how some of the vehicles' weapons would reload themselves. The "cannon" on the Templars' buggy seemed like it wouldn't be able to reload itself, and yet it shot a few times in a row, same with Scorpion's rear trunk missiles.
I thought that the spinny blades fan weapon was ridiculous and wouldn't be able to hit anyone if they just lay down when it comes close to them.

I wondered why the young genius didn't make armor for himself and Nadir too, maybe Nadir was too proud of being the strongest and wouldn't want an armor, but the kid could definitely use one, maybe the plastic-like material is actually quite heavy, so a kid wouldn't be able to move in an armor made from it or maybe there wasn't enough material for more than one armor.
Also, why didn't Scorpion wear a shirt or other clothes under the armor, I guess it was some fanservice for those that want to look at the pecs of Scorpion or something.
Anyway, I hadn't watched this movie before, and I enjoyed the view. I would really love to know more about this world and its characters. And I think it could have been a good IP to have post-apoc games made using it.
Also, I don't see any new suggestions for the next poll, so I will have to use some of the old ones (although I have a feeling Six-String Samurai might win).