2241 - 2281 : The Choosen One

Crni Vuk

M4A3 Oldfag oTO
...Eventually the Chosen One not only found the GECK, but ended up foiling a plot by the remnants of the United States government who called themselves the Enclave, preventing them from carrying out genocide on an unprecedented scale against the humans and mutants of the Core Region and saving his fellow tribesmen and his cousins who had remained behind living in Vault 13 in the process. Following these events, the Chosen One founded the town of New Arroyo, reuniting the two bloodlines and succeeding his mother as the village's Elder after she died.

40 years from that in the future starts New Vegas. Now as we have the one or other reference here and there, New Arroyo, NCR and much more. Do you think the Choose One might still be around somewhere ? Kicking asses maybe ? Did he even visited the Vegas area eventually ! There is a location with a wrecked highwayman after all ...

I somewhat like the idea that he is still out there. Somewhere.
Well in the FO2 epilogue the Narrator says that he became Elder of New Arroyo.

I like to think of my NV character as the "Bishop Kid" from the epilogue ;) Thats why NV is awesome, you have no restrictions storywise.
yeah, but as Elder he might have choosen (wooohow he CHOOSE!) to get out again, wandering. Who knows ! :shock:
I thought it's the car from the super mutant that is named at Black Mountain.
Black Feather said:
Well in the FO2 epilogue the Narrator says that he became Elder of New Arroyo.

I like to think of my NV character as the "Bishop Kid" from the epilogue ;) Thats why NV is awesome, you have no restrictions storywise.
Actually, Mr. Bishop (the Chosen One's son) is talked about by a Shark Club singer in Novac, he says "he never knew his real father and his mother is a drunk" or something. So the Chosen One banged Mrs. Bishop. :wink:
He could be just a mid-level politician for the NCR at Arroyo now. Drinking away his days and night, hoping for the monotony to end.
Or, depending on how you played through FO2, he could have "mid level politician" as a *cover*, when actually he's "head of NCR's intelligence service."

Granted, you'd need to explain why he didn;t get involved in the affair with the Legion. . .
If the Chosen One was to appear as an NPC in a future Fallout game where you could visit New Arroyo or something, what would his name be? Surely it couldn't be "The Chosen One"? That's just a stock name for the unnamed protagonist.

Though people still refer to Fallout 1's protagonist as the "Vault Dweller", but that's probably because no one caught his name while he was travelling...?
its interesting that you all are talking about the choosen one as like he was always a ... male >_>

Also, with "my" choosen one there would be a hell lot of kidz around, considering the ... offering you can make in Vaultcity ... I am just curious if they can take my anti-authoritarian genetic nature. *shrugs*
Crni Vuk said:
its interesting that you all are talking about the choosen one as like he was always a ... male >_>
Well, isn't the current Mr. Bishop the Chosen One's son? Or at least that's what was implied by Bruce Isaac.
Fallout Wiki said:
Bruce's dialog is a reference to one of the possible ending scenarios from Fallout 2, achieved when The Chosen One (male) sleeps with the wife or daughter of the boss of the Bishop family in New Reno. Likely, that ending scenario is now canon in the world of Fallout. Mr. Bishop, he probably meant a descendant of the Chosen One (male).
Reconite said:
If the Chosen One was to appear as an NPC in a future Fallout game where you could visit New Arroyo or something, what would his name be? Surely it couldn't be "The Chosen One"? That's just a stock name for the unnamed protagonist.

Though people still refer to Fallout 1's protagonist as the "Vault Dweller", but that's probably because no one caught his name while he was travelling...?

I'd say the closest we've gotten to the Chosen One's name is the pre-made Fallout 2 characters. Since canonically he is male, one can speculate his name is either Narg or Mingan. But that's just speculation.
Apparently, theres a randon encounter where you see a npc called the chosen one in NCR power armour. Not sure if it's true.
Millim said:
Apparently, theres a randon encounter where you see a npc called the chosen one in NCR power armour. Not sure if it's true.

Where did you hear about that? It's not on the Vault, and I hadn't heard about it before. I'd guess that it's not actually true, if you haven't encountered it yourself.
Um, I thought there were no random encounters in New Vegas.

Edit: Actually, there's that guy with the Sunset Sarsaparilla necklace and the guy that warns you about people who collect Sarsaparilla caps. Might be some more i guess. But those happen while you travel around and the guys automatically talk to you.

You don't have the Fallout 3 random encounters where the first time you have a bunch of ghouls around some fire and then you reload the same location and you have a scorpion fighting a giant ant.
Please, several people have already spelled it differently, which should logically make you stop and think for a bit; even the part you're quoting should clue you in, but here you go: It's chosen, not choosen.

Anyway, it's already confirmed that he became the elder of New Arroyo, and I'm fairly certain that the Wrecked Highwayman simply is a nod to Fallout 2, and that we shouldn't try to read too much into it - much like all other special encounters.
Kindo said:
Anyway, it's already confirmed that he became the elder of New Arroyo, and I'm fairly certain that the Wrecked Highwayman simply is a nod to Fallout 2, and that we shouldn't try to read too much into it - much like all other special encounters.

Yeah. It would like taking the portal encounter seriously, where you cause the water chip for Vault 13 to brake.
gumbarrel said:
Kindo said:
Anyway, it's already confirmed that he became the elder of New Arroyo, and I'm fairly certain that the Wrecked Highwayman simply is a nod to Fallout 2, and that we shouldn't try to read too much into it - much like all other special encounters.

It's up to every player how he handles canon. The purpouse of a rpg is to write your OWN story and the canon or for example the "Survival Guide" in the FO2 manual are for me just a timeline with one theory what could have happened. Fallouts Devs contradict themselves constantly anyways. It's a singleplayer game after all.