A Wolverine build... suggestions welcome


First time out of the vault
I chuckled as I typed out the topic... given the irony of this site's name and what i'm about to ask :P

So i'm a bit of a Wolverine fan and wanted suggestions on what to focus on (skills, perks, etc). Though I prefer using guns instead of hand-to-hand combat (since there are no claws in the game tongue.gif), I guess brass knuckles or something similar would have to suffice?

All suggestions welcome.
I found a recipe on a body (random encounter) that teaches you how to make something to the effect of a Death Claw gauntlet. Do not have all the pieces yet but I imagine it basically makes your hand a death claws... well claw :P

That might interest you.

Anyone else figured out much with the random encounters yet? I am not positive what triggers them. I go in one area one time and I get a dead Chinese general laying on the ground and a Chinese radio signal starts broadcasting.

I reload due to dogmeat dying to a mine and going back in that same area I get the wastelander/almost dead death claw where I find this recipe.

I am interested to see what all random encounters are out there.
Death Claw Hand
Medicine Bleach or such something
Leather Belt
did i forget something?

thats needed for the Death Claw
the death claw drops from every death claw. and the bleach? no idea tbh. maybe steal or get it in a first aid station like in the old vaults? or check out the clinic in Megaton?
You guys are missing the point here. I'm pretty sure what he's really asking is how to get the Mr. Handy to give you that crazy wolvergine haircut.

no not really ha ha i made a humor joke get it :)
I do recall seeing some hand blades at some point one large blade on each hand kind of deal. I gave them the toss as they didn't do much damage. Perhaps you could find a better version of them floating about somewhere?
Str 7
Per 5
End 9
Char 1
Int 4
Agility 6
Luck 3

Tag Sneak, Unarmed, Melee.

+1 Str, +1 Per, +2 Agil Intense training.
Toughness x3
Adamantium Skeleton
Cyborg (for more toughness, gl getting it with int so low)
Lifegiver x3 (or however many ranks you can get)
Rad resistance
Grim Reaper
Action Boy
Whatever the unarmed +dam perk is.

Equip spiked knuckles, bat and chinese sword until you get claw recipe. Try not to die from too many missiles to the face. I suggest playing on easy.
The death claw hand is 3 big claws, what more do you need?

[spoiler:c5deee9903]You get it at a campground near grayditch[/spoiler:c5deee9903]
As a wolverine fan, I always prefer hand to hand combat, using guns seems weird to me....

Sweet mother of Magneto, that's one heck of a necromancy

Let's see...Fallout 3?

Strength and Endurance at 10
Unarmed and Melee at 100

Samurai's Sword
Deathclaw Gauntlet


Iron Fist Perk (Rank 3)
Bloody Mess
Nerd Rage
Fast Metabolism
Adamantium Skeleton
Better Criticals
Action Boy
Paralyzing Palm
Nerves of Steel
Party Boy
Rad Absorption/Regeneration
Almost Perfect
Pitt Fighter
Superior Defender

Anything else?