All Roads graphic novel 12-page preview now available

Same can be said about Fallout 1. Take the visual references away and what's so 50's about it?

EDIT: Also, Benny is very 50ish.
alec said:
So you guys are being serious? If someone were to remove the cover pages and let you read this stuff, you'd be all: "Wow, this reminds me so much of Fallout? And the style is really a match made in heaven, it totally evokes the feeling of comics the way you'd expect Fallout to present these things: fifty-ish, a mix of old school futurism and nostalgia. "

I am being serious. The story is the main content to me. So if Fallout 1 was just wandering around the game world mindlessly killing anything that moves (inb4FO3Comment) you would have still enjoyed it? No quests, no dialogue, nothing? I'll admit, the comic would be better off if it did have that 50s style, but my opinion still stands.

There really is no point in pointing out the obvious, is there?

....there's that attitude again...
Incognito said:
Same can be said about Fallout 1. Take the visual references away and what's so 50's about it?

Thank you for telling me to stop wasting my time.

Come back when you've read up on things. Thank you.

Expresate said:
....there's that attitude again...

You express yourself with a level of arrogance usually associated with far-right republicans in USA. And you're not even American, that's impressive.
Incognito, you can't possibly expect me to explain all of these things to you, can you? I'm serious. It's not about being rude or arrogant. It's about discussing about stuff that apparently goes a liitle further than you are willing to admit. I don't mind a discussion but if you see that the people you are discussing with don't seem to know a hell of a lot about the original Fallout setting or the history of roleplaying games, then I do feel I am somewhat wasting my time. Everything I say seems to be regarded as trolling while I have very good reasons to say what I say. I find that a simple retort as 'you're being arrogant' is a cheap way to further that discussion.
Ausir said:
Expecting this comic to have 1950s-style art is like expecting Fallout: New Vegas to have 1997-style graphics.

No, expecting this comic to have 1950s-style art is like expecting Fallout 1 to have 1950s-style art.

The fallout world had 1950s sensibilities, it didn't exist in a 1950s stylized world. The look of Fallout always been based more on The Road Warrior than anything else.
Incognito said:
You express yourself with a level of arrogance usually associated with far-right republicans in USA. And you're not even American, that's impressive.

Does not change the fact that he's right, though: remove the covers and little to nothing of the fallout atmosphere remains (and that 'argument' about 'only the dialogs and story matter', is not really an argument, is it? might as well make the thing a book then).
No, expecting this comic to have 1950s-style art is like expecting Fallout 1 to have 1950s-style art.

bhlaab said:
The look of Fallout always been based more on The Road Warrior than anything else.
How so? I mean apart from the leather vest and the dog and mayhaps FO2's car, what else?
alec said:
bhlaab said:
The look of Fallout always been based more on The Road Warrior than anything else.
How so? I mean apart from the leather vest and the dog and mayhaps FO2's car, what else?

The look of the wasteland, the raiders, general character design... Leonard Boyarsky had the film running on a constant loop for inspiration.

The vault boy is an example of a character created by the 1950s sensibilities of the world and not an example of the world itself. The whole idea is an ironic contrast between the cheerful optimism of the messages and aesthetics created by the world and the general shittiness of what the world is actually like.

Having the comic look like an artifact from the 1950s would have been a neat gimmick, but it is not criminal that they didn't
alec said:
No, expecting this comic to have 1950s-style art is like expecting Fallout 1 to have 1950s-style art.

Wh.... What? How does THIS look like 1950 style? Hell, this looks more overproportionated muscles than the All Roads style.
Yeah, Fallout 1's retrofuturism was largely limited to technology and to what the world before the apocalypse looked like. The art style, aside from things that were created before the War in-universe, has little in common with 1950s. Post-war stuff being 1950s-style didn't actually start until Fallout 3.
x'il said:
(and that 'argument' about 'only the dialogs and story matter', is not really an argument, is it? might as well make the thing a book then).

I'm not saying it's the only thing that matters. I just feel it's a little more important.
We should still keep in mind that it is only a preview. The finished product may have alot more atmosphere than this little 12-page spread. Right?

The art's not very good. I'm not a huge comic afficianado so maybe this is where the art level is at right now but it's that: not that good.

alec's point is an interesting one simply because it shows a way to make the comic both interesting and more Fallout-appropriate, rather than just a promotional piece. But a promotional piece is what it is, and it's what it looks like.

Personally I'm more bugged by the spic-and-span suits and appartment. Post-apocalypse nowhere in sight.

Ausir said:
Yeah, Fallout 1's retrofuturism was largely limited to technology and to what the world before the apocalypse looked like. The art style, aside from things that were created before the War in-universe, has little in common with 1950s.

This is an immensely confused statement that you might want to roll over in your brain a few more times.

Faceless_Stranger said:
We should still keep in mind that it is only a preview. The finished product may have alot more atmosphere than this little 12-page spread. Right?

This is the finished product. As in its first 12 pages.
I like it how four point nine out of five words are boldened and in italics. It's like whoa! I'll be giving you some meaningless emphasis.

Brother None said:
Ausir said:
Yeah, Fallout 1's retrofuturism was largely limited to technology and to what the world before the apocalypse looked like. The art style, aside from things that were created before the War in-universe, has little in common with 1950s.

This is an immensely confused statement that you might want to roll over in your brain a few more times.

No it's not. The art style, the looks of the wasteland and people owe more to eighties post-apoc exatravaganzas than to the fifties. The retrofuturism is there in the technological appliances (and their logos/mascots, which are the only things done in "50s artstyle"), in some apparel like vaultsuits, in the "upbeat" world-that-was and the tunes (just the main tune actually), not even the speech mannerisms were carried in from fifties.
TychoXI said:
The art style

This would be the confused bit. What "the" art style? Where's this magical cut-off point where it's no longer 50s? That why Ausir's comment of "The art style (...) has little in common with the 1950s" is immensely confused.

The buildings were 50s. The Vaults were 50s. Old tech was and new tech only wasn't with Fallout 2. 50s wasn't the only influence to the art style, but it's present everywhere exactly because it is a post-apocalyptic game and everything pre-apocalyptic is steeped in 50s.

You guys are trying to make a dichotomy that simply can not exist because it never works that easily.
TychoXI said:
I like it how four point nine out of five words are boldened and in italics. It's like whoa! I'll be giving you some meaningless emphasis.

i noticed that too. it was sort of embarrassingly amateurish. oh well, it will be a fun read i'm sure and a better "bonus" than a useless lunchbox or bobblehead, so i'm not complaining.

btw, getting all intellectual about promotional materials and videogame art is hella nerdy and silly, my dudes.