Anybody down for a spontaneous "group" RP


A Smooth-Skin
With random twists or objectives that anybody can shoot out to place before the group. There isn't really a story line besides "your poor, dirty and living in an era of desolation and dilapidation". Your character can have whatever motive or persona as you choose. Interaction between characters will surely be the driving force in this thread as one of the controllers will eventually stumble apon a good motif for the story. Sorry if you don't like open-ended universes, I find that tight, stangle hold RP's are less immersive since rules and boxed ideas are the norm. Thank you for your time!~
I've been waiting for a reply to my proposal for a free-form RP, but if that doesn't gain attention, I might sign up for this.
In my opinion online RPs die out very quickly. The net is a pretty bad copy of real life sessions (not that I've been at one anyways).
Actually not all online RP sessions fade early. I've been apart of mad epic NMA & DAC classics such as "Gun Runners" w/ Ghetto Goose and original users like brother none and ect.
First order of business, what region should we RP in?

First order of business, what region should Afterlife be placed?
This sounds like a lot of fun! I'll have to whip up a new character though. Give it a couple days and I'll probably have something.