Anyone playing Fallout 3 on a worse rig?


First time out of the vault
Personally, i think my computer is massively powerful.. 2 gigs of ram, 2.3 ghz dual processor, its got a shiney flat screen, and my graphics card is Geforce 6150LE..

i dont doubt people have worse computers, hell i used to tweak games to work on my 66mhz computer.. i was just curious to see if anyone else is feeling my pain..
My rig:

3.0 GHZ single core processor.
GeForce 6200LE
2 gigabytes of RAM

I think you have the advantage of a better processor while I have a better videocard, but not by much.

I can play Fallout 3, but it's slow, specially in Rivet City.
good to know my irmao is in the same boat as me! soy KILLA de fonline :)

i tweaked everything to the lowest settings and its running choppy still.. hard to fight lots of enemies in a big area thats for sure.. did u use any special settings?
Hey Killa! Good to see ya here, man!

Nah, no special settings. It's all on the lower settings. It's very annoying to be turned into a swiss cheese because I can't see people beyond 20 meters.

Fighting is not hell, hell is going to Rivet City. Holy lag, Batman! The wonders of Gamebryo :lol:
heh, well I 'mostly' play games on my proper PC, but FO3 runs dandy on my laptoppio

1.5 Gb Rammmmmm
1.83 Ghz dual chore intel wassamajiggy
and a Radeon mobility X1600

to think, not too long ago (i.e when I bought this thing) this was almost the cream of the crop...

now it fades into computing history, poor lappytop I still love you.
C'mon guys, that is pathetic.

If you can afford Fallout3, you can afford a new video card.

agp nvidia 6800 or Radeon X800 are ~$50

and PCIE cards are even cheaper.

i'd be glad to help my fellow dwellers out, shoot me a PM if you need a new video card
Amd 64 +3000 cpu, 1.5 gb ram, sapphire HD3850 agp video card and a raid 0 setup.

I run on highest gfx, its pretty good... only had a problem with choppiness at big battles involving lots of bad guys.
1.9 Gigs of Ram
2.5 Ghz processor
ATI Radeon 1250

And the game runs very very slowly. Even at super low quality.

If I were to improve the computer in any of these areas, which one would help the most?
3GHz Hyperthreaded Pentium 4
2GB PC3200 RAM
512MB ATI Radeon 1650 video card (as well as a dedicated sound card)
7200RPM SATA hard drive

With a texture setting of High, as well as all draw distances (with the exception of Grass and Specular; I'll explain in a moment) on their highest setting, Fallout 3 runs like a dream. I very, very rarely dip below 30 FPS, and that's only under extremely uncommon circumstances.

So how did I do it? I just got rid of everything that looked ugly! I disabled bloom with the in-game options and edited Fallout.ini to disable grass and that stupid shiny skin over everything. Really, look up some tweaking websites with information on Fallout.ini and you'll be amazing with the difference.

At least I was, ha!

Here's another freebie: unless you have a powerful dual- or quad-core processor, turn off all the multithreaded options in Fallout.ini (with the the exception of anything related to facegen; keep that option equal to 1). Even though I have a hyperthreaded processor, those changes increased performance and reduced crashes for me.

And always back up Fallout.ini and your saved games before attempting anything like the above! An ounce of prevention....
Hey, it was supposed to be about worse rigs! No backstepping :)

I'll take it down a notch with a, 2,2 Ghz Dual Core with a 256/512 MiB GeForce 8600GT and 4 gigs of RAM.

No problems mos of the time, although the game gets jolty sometimes after exiting an area or building. Escape helps though.
Actually i have 1G RAM,1,8GHZ processor and 80 Go on my laptop i bought in 2007 September:(.

So if ii believe what to you say it will lag like hell?And having a laptop changin graphic card is nearlyu impossible on laptops :x
My card is 6200Go
SoldierOfHope said:
I think mine is BY FAR the worst here.

I'm kind of shocked you can run Fallout 3, actually...

2.7 GHz processor
2 GB dual core ram
Nvidia GeForce 9400 GT

Brother None said:
SoldierOfHope said:
I think mine is BY FAR the worst here.

I'm kind of shocked you can run Fallout 3, actually...

2.7 GHz processor
2 GB dual core ram
Nvidia GeForce 9400 GT


Were can I get this Dual-Cora RAM you are speaking of? :mrgreen:

3ghz cpu pentium r 4
1.75gb ram
ati x750pro 256mb*i believe

play the game on high texture and max anisotropic and i get minor lag sometimes

had this rig for years, since that gpu was 200 bucks
now its 30 :P