Fallout 2 utility anywav2


First time out of the vault
Collected in a pack all the relevant utilities for converting to acm and supplemented the whole thing with "batch files"


SHA1: a6003ec4821a641e823b50a1e8027cd23c152789
MD5: 1ef0664a2ec1e188e897db8d60d62543
Hey this is an excellent collection.
I noticed you credited some specific people in the bin readme, you wouldn't happen to have contact information for any of them? I'm hoping to find open source code for modding utilities.
contact information for any of them?
You will not find these people, they published the latest versions of their programs in 2003-2005. Maybe someone from the teamx team is here on the forum. The most complex utility from my pack is snd2acm, if you recreate it, then there will be no problems with the rest. wav2lip can be recreated from https://github.com/DanielSWolf/rhubarb-lip-sync

To recreate snd2acm you might find it useful
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Dude that's awesome! Thanks for the links!
Doesn't snd2acm just convert from WAV to ACM format?
It looks like the cmd scripts included in the zip file make use of ffmpeg to do some conversions...doesn't that take care of snd2acm's function?
Only the decoder is presented there and it did not work for me.
Yeah I couldn't get it to work either, but AWESOME for the links!
I had no idea there would be an open source version. Now I just need to figure out how to combine this code and create a full program that handles all the stuff! :P