So yea, this has been going through my head for quiet a while now. I do so hope people join and find my idea fun and refreshing!!!
The world had 'died' in the year 2012 when demon's and other creatures of the night or Real World decided to reveal themselves and take over. People quickly fell under the reign of the creatures once thought to be no more than myths, legends, or even fairy tales. The years past as the war between the Real World monsters and human's fought for dominance. Finally the humans and those who's allegiance was to the humans were pushed into hiding. They fled underground as the world fell apart around them.
The years past as they continued live beneath the surface hunted by the myths that now walked the earth in grand scales as their leaders. The city's fall into ruin as the wilderness begins to take back over the planet. Green flourishes in most places as they have trouble taking over the cities. The humans were trapped in their underground bunkers but sometimes they were found and attacked making them defend themselves. As time goes by the people adjust and learn to fight back just as well. The humans grew to hate the monsters and started killing them all... even those that helped the humans.
Here they are YOU are in the year 2143 and human's have lived and survived as of yet. Food's becoming sparse and harder to find. You're a hunter it's your job to get food with partners. How will you live in the most infested, largest city of myths on earth.
It aint easy being a blood slave. I was born into slavery. Harvested for my blood my entire life. That damn... ABOMINATION named Little Robot has kept me shackled to his ankles for nearly the entire time I've had legs. If I'm to make my escape now, it should be quick and awesome.
When little robot was sleeping I noticed the key in his pocket. I slowly slid my hand into and, my hand lingering a little too longly, out of his pocket. That wasn't the key...
I turn around and see farmerk reeching into my poket, their is his hand rite in my poket. Wat shuld I do, I decide to hit him with my golf club... i am hungry for bloood!!!
The aim of the golf club is less than true. It misses and hits the chain uniting us at the ankle. The chain shatters at link 2 through 6. I run out the door without missing a beat. My little legs work better than little robot's littler legs though, and I ran until the sun came up. After the sun came up I hid in a tree. After catching my breath a dog started barking in the distance. Sounds like he's coming my way.
it turns out i bark like a dog when i run really fast because I have sever asthma and have difficulty breathing
but by morning i get in the area of farmerk and i start looking for him, i try to use my demon senses to find him but i cannot locat him for sum reason
"were are u farmerk" i pant, tired after runing so hard because of my ashma, "we need to work together to get the artfact deep in the Zone"
get on this horsy i found and we will go find the artfact
I may be a lowly blood slave at the hands of an abusive and malicious master but Little Robot is all I've known and without him I'm hopelessly lost. I climb down from the tree and approack LR and the horse
Phar follows Ron wondering why he doesn't ride him in his search for the other one. The one Phar kicks sometimes. It is at this point phar remember of a time not that long ago. The Stallion of the herd kick him in the face and said he had stolen the golden grass. He didn't do it and knew it was Nellivian his evil twin brother who had been successfully pretending to be a girl horse. But he didn't have proof so he left and was capture by three idiots and left in the employ of ron.
Phar snaps out his memory and stamps his foot. He lets out a "Neigh?" as Farmerkinski hopes on.
"ok farmerk and hors, i know we are just 3 p pl who dont rly like each other but we need to find the artifact so that the world can stop being the apocolypse," i scream
Phar listens to ron and says "Neigh? Neigh!" Just then a mice runs in front of Phar, suspicious it is a Nellivian spy he crush with his left front foot, his crushing foot.
"What do we-" I begin in a breathless whisper. I am unable to finish though as Phar shifted his weight while stepping on the mice and caused me to fall off his back. I hit my head on a large rock and passed the fuck out.
I was only out for half a second but it felt like hours. I had developed a massive headache so I tried to go back to sleep. Before I felt myself drifting off I started coughing. I coughed so hard I woke up. Did I cough in a dream or was it real? I opened my eyes for the first time in what felt like a year but the sun said it had only been a second. It was the middle of the morning but the moon was full and light reflected off the rock. Not enough to tell the monsters from the shadows, but plenty more than necessary to remind me how I went to sleep in the first place. My head felt ten yards wide and as small as a baseball. It pounded from the inside while what felt like hammers pounded on it from without. I tried to breathe deeply but my chest cracked audibly. I was burning from the inside out, and I was freezing and frozen to the ground. Or is it all in my mind? Am I dying? Is it ghosts playing tricks with the air around me? Maybe the ghosts are asleep and I'm the one playing tricks with the air around them. I don't know at this point. I just don't know.
After submitting myself to the imaginary monsters I awoke with great aplomb and shot up from the ground. Phaer and Ron were looking at me in puzzlement. I blushed and looked down. I had pooped myself.
I'm naked because your dumbass kept me that way my whole life you freaky faggotron. Oh well.
I put on the dress. It was surprisingly my exact size and conformed to my figure quite spiffily. "Where did you get this dress, Ron?" I asked ron, inquiring about the source of the dress.
sometime when u r sleeping i put dress on u and pretend u are a woman (dis is bcause so few woman after apokilips because they are all ownd like property now), but this is not importnat.
So the Journey began. They headed in a east like direction towards the abandon town. The group didn't have a compass so 'east' was based on around the sunrise. To keep a beat on the trip Phar plays the following chorus in his head, marching in step.
I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right believing for so long
I'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong
It was a song played by the three idiots that caught him and the only good thing he remembered from their time together.
I wake up in a rampage and kill everyone. I come out of my rampage and find that both my arms fell off. Turns out I missed the banditos and just punched the hell out of some trees.
<s>I gently(as gently as horse can) throw Farmerk of my saddle.</s> I run up to the lead bandito and lower my front feet inviting the bandito on. When he tries to hop on I turn and kick hard in the face and start stomping on his chest when he falls to the group.
To the other banditos I "Neigh!!!" as menacingly as possible.