Beth, the old hag - Fallout 2 mod

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This ghoul has seen it all
"nspired with the recent staggering blast which was generated by the Fallout 3 promotional materials", Lisac2k threw together a quick, small one-patch mod, which he promises is "controversial" and is entitled "Beth, the old hag". Lisac2k also notes "Mod has three different endings. Choose your path wisely."

Link: download Beth, the old hag.
War never changes. The Fallout world never changes too.
It lives in your heart and mind, and it'll die the very day you do.
Until then, it'll live as various mods and add-ons made by rare hardcore fans.

I have pee in my eyes. :(

(and made a german translation.. will upload it soon.)
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Thanx for mod, now i learn how change credits (i will try to put whole "read me" there in my D&B)

I finished two alternate ways of "test" dialog, but sadly it olways end by my death.
Thank you all! I couldn't resist making such a mod... After the discussion about the promo materials.
okay, so i played it, and went through all the dialog options, died each time. right... so do you always die?

on another try, i killed beth instead of talking to her, and then, nothing. no ending, i couldn't go to the temple of trials or back to arroyo....

pretty funny conversation though. although i have to admit being a bit confused...
Then you've missed the point of the whole mod. Try reading the scanned Game Informer article about Fallout 3, then study the reactions of the NMA community. Eventually, try aligning yourself different towards Beth and her ideas while playing the mod and you'll get 3 different endings...
Nice mod. It's great to see something like this done so quickly, timely humor works infinitely better than late humor. (...duh...)
Thanks for the feedback once again. I might make the sequel, but I have to wait for the next promo material from the hag :roll:
That was quite an interesting mod, and quite funny as well. :lol:

Although, it somewhat felt like I was taking sort of an 'online quiz'. :?
Yes. It would be interesting to see that as a flash game or something.