Bethesda buying Obsidian rumors

I'd be surprised if Obsidian would bend over and sell out. Sure, money runs the world, and most developers would jump at the chance; but since the studio at least partly formed as a response of being stabbed in the back by their previous owners, wouldn't they want to remain an independent developer? I'm all for the idea of giving Obsidian more steady funding, but not at the cost of their integrity.
Ausir said:
Large companies have lots different studios making the same kinds of games. E.g. Activision owns two studios making Call of Duty games.

Yeah, Ausir in right. Hell, it's pretty common to have spinoff studios that kind of leech of the work of a main studio. Like 2K Marin to 2K Irrational, which is a splitoff studio.

Obsidian specializes in slam dunk sequels and that makes sense because Feargus has a good reputation regarding this concept industry-wide. They're not really similar enough to Bethesda for it to be an issue.
Obsidian need disciplined and streamlined management, as well as a stable financial base. If getting bought by ZeniMax will help in those departments, I'd easily approve.

At the moment, Obsidian don't have the money or track record (in part due to management issues, I assume) to create new, great IPs anyway.
If this actually happened I hope they take a hands off approach like what's happened with Activision Blizzard. Let Obsidian handle the RPG games and let Bethesda do whatever it is they do well. The only thing I can think of is getting massive amounts of press to overhype their games, but I guess that's something.
Obsidian need a more hands-on approach if you ask me, except for in the creative department. Sloppy execution of good ideas has pretty much become their trademark, however sad that may sound.
ericjones said:
Obsidian need a more hands-on approach if you ask me, except for in the creative department. Sloppy execution of good ideas has pretty much become their trademark, however sad that may sound.

Bethesda does the exact same thing. Personally, I never had major problems with Obsidian games.
Fallout1FTW said:
It really doesn't make much sense to own two RPG studios and not to merge them. Think about it.

It makes perfect sense. They could release new RPG every year alternating, like Activision does with COD as others said. Think about it.
Kindo said:
I'd be surprised if Obsidian would bend over and sell out. Sure, money runs the world, and most developers would jump at the chance; but since the studio at least partly formed as a response of being stabbed in the back by their previous owners, wouldn't they want to remain an independent developer? I'm all for the idea of giving Obsidian more steady funding, but not at the cost of their integrity.

Considering they have still a deal with Square Enix and Feargus was just visiting EA (probably for the WOT games) they are not really in a situation at the moment where they have to sell out.

2009/early 2010 was far more dangerous for them.
shihonage said:
ID technology has been suited for rendering vast outdoor areas since Quake Wars, and Rage uses improved version of that engine.
So is that the reason why you have only I think 8vs8 as max players in Doom 3 multiplayer ? Because it can render vast outdoor areas ? How many of them had you in Doom 3 anyway ? Just as example (I know Rage is not Doom 3 and we have yet to wait and see what it can really deliver, so I dont have a final oppinion about it rought now, just doubts).

I am not used with the engine which was behind quake wars and I know the specifications for an engine which is as well used in multiplayer are not the same like with a singleplayergame from the performance. But still. Not every game engine is obviously suited for every task. Can you modify a mercedes so much to plow some acre ? Sure. But that doesnt mean its the best vehicle for the job.

I doubt IDs technology will deliver the same kind of gameplay like letz say Morrowind, Oblivion or Fallout 3 particularly for the Sandbox experience Bethesda is usualy aiming for.

One has to remember one thing a engine has to be modified before it can be used for what you want it. And neither Obsidian nor Bethesda have here shown some huge skill. Particularly not Bethesda which has neither done either some own engine nor did they learned how to correctly use the gameybro engine yet (sorry to the fans of Bethesda games, but it simply has to many bugs and that after they worked with the same code for more then 5 or 6 years). And even doom 3 with all its technology has shown the limts as you never had more then a handfull of enemies in singleplayer and the corpses dissapeared emidiately for example. You have always to keep hardware limitations in mind hence why you for example already have issues with places like the Strip in Vegas where you might see more then 20 NPCs on your screen (eventually) and even that is not enough to give you a "this place is full of life" feeling.

I have no clue if IDs new engines really can be used for it for example. But I havent seen them sell it to that many developers yet ~ though If someone has informations feel free to post them. Not like Unreals engine which is quite versatile. And even if you could do similar things I doubt it could do the same like the engine fir Arma 2 for example which is in that respect pretty unique since it can realtively easily render a few 100 objects on your screen without much problems. Well if you manage to get a game runing without bugs ... but thats another issue. And Arma 2 even features in multiplayer destroyable buildings.

I think it would be good for Bethesda to use somthing new OR modify what they have so much that it is almost something new. But as said, that requires knowledge and skill. Something which I doubt either Bethesda or Obsidian has with engines. Not when I see how much bugs they have.

UncannyGarlic said:
Crni Vuk said:
Obsidian would be doing a much better job then Bethesda over could. Hands down.
I don't know about that, Obsidian doesn't seem to have someone in charge with even decent project management skills. Bethesda skips the whole design phase and seems to have an "amusement park" approach to game design but I get the feeling that Todd and Emil are ultimately keeping to a time-line. They both produce buggy messes, it's just that one seems to be able to develop to a time-line, which is very desirable for publishers and owners.
Tagaziel said:
Bethesda does the exact same thing. Personally, I never had major problems with Obsidian games.

I simply compare Fallout 3 and Fallout vegas. And since both games are buggy but worked for me I can only judge the "quality" of the content which was in Vegas in almost everything better then Fallout 3. As said when it comes only to the quality of the product. I cant really comment much on bugs because I was able to finish F3 and Vegas. Except for a few glitches here and there. So I think Obsidian while maybe not the best with their management is in pretty much everything better then Bethesda. Also one should not forget that without the help of the Zenimax in the past (a few times actually) Bethesda would not be around eventually as well anymore.

*Just to be a bit more specific about one thing:
Garlic ; "Bethesda skips the whole design phase"

That is in my eyes actually a sign of bad management and planing as they seem to have no real intention here to do something either because they dont know it better or they simply think it saves them time but it hurts the product in the end badly beacause with a proper concept/design phase you can avoid such situations where you have to code your companions in a way so they refuse to do the job for you because someone wanted to keep the "player has to make a sacrifice" theme in the game. I would not be surprised if someone got the idea that it would be cool to have a ghoul/super mutant companion and as they have been half way trough the game development realised that they are imune to radiation which somehow makes the whole "kill your self for the purifier to work" obsolete. And since they had no time to rework it anymore simply chaging it. Even Emil admits that it was not a great choice and they knew about it. Hands down how the Legion was present in Vegas wasnt that great either, but at least it doesnt break your game in such a ridiculous way, you just feel a bit sad that they are so short. But thast all. But to not think about such things like with a roleplaying game Fallout 3 should have been is as said in my eyes a sign of bad management.
Oh, frickin' sweet. I was wondering if those games would end up being any good (being a rabid WOT fan, and all) and don't really know much of anything about Red Eagle Games -- but Obsidian being involved in it to some degree gives me hope that maybe the game will do some justice to the WOT.
DGT said:
Oh, frickin' sweet. I was wondering if those games would end up being any good (being a rabid WOT fan, and all) and don't really know much of anything about Red Eagle Games -- but Obsidian being involved in it to some degree gives me hope that maybe the game will do some justice to the WOT.

Actually there are multiple games planned. So Obsidian will probably work on one and Red Eagle on one.
They'd have to do quite a few if they're planning on really tying it in to the books. My personal theory if they split the games is that Obsidian will do the follow-ups, knock-out sequels seeming to be much more their thing.
Crni Vuk said:
shihonage said:
ID technology has been suited for rendering vast outdoor areas since Quake Wars, and Rage uses improved version of that engine.
So is that the reason why you have only I think 8vs8 as max players in Doom 3 multiplayer ? Because it can render vast outdoor areas ? How many of them had you in Doom 3 anyway ? Just as example (I know Rage is not Doom 3 and we have yet to wait and see what it can really deliver, so I dont have a final oppinion about it rought now, just doubts).

I have trouble understanding the rest of your post, but I will address this.

id software specifically developed technology for Quake Wars, called megatexturing, to allow it to draw vast outdoor areas. This technology is improved upon in Rage.

With their renderer, you can travel between indoors and outdoors seamlessly, without sacrificing anything.
I am sorry if what I wrotte is confusing. Sometimes it happens. I am trying to improve on that. But I guess my knowledge with the language is still not as good as I thought.

What I mean is that I have no doubt that ID has with quacke wars for example managed to create some engine which could render some biger areas.

I just doubt that for example it could offer what games require which not only have simply some big area but offer you a whole open sand box world comparable to GTA IV, Red Dead Redemption, Oblivion or Fallout 3 some mods for Unreal99 for example offer you areas or maps which are as big like 20x20km and have a view distance of 2000 meters but the visuals are well very small no trees or bushes just a few hills (but thats enough for a tank engagement!). Maybe the quacke enginet even can offer what might be needed, but it probably would have to be modified for it. And thats the part which I have my doubts as I have no clue how easy it is to modify for example the engine of Quacke wars to render letz say a few 100 cars, NPCs and such on your screen (not that Fallout 3 could do that, but you get my point I hope).
It all boils down to one thing. Does idtech5 have streaming or not? I think not, so it might really not be suited for open sandbox game.
Plus the megatexture technology seems pretty bad for creation of many kilometers of terrain...since it is made unique and does not replicate anywhere.Plus the engine lacks realtime lightning model as far as I know (although that could be faked I guess).

Sadly, I think idtech would need extensive rewrite to accomodate game like Fallout.
Paul_cz said:
It all boils down to one thing. Does idtech5 have streaming or not? I think not, so it might really not be suited for open sandbox game.
Plus the megatexture technology seems pretty bad for creation of many kilometers of terrain...since it is made unique and does not replicate anywhere.Plus the engine lacks realtime lightning model as far as I know (although that could be faked I guess).

Sadly, I think idtech would need extensive rewrite to accomodate game like Fallout.

I don't know if that's how Megatexture works, the Wiki makes it seem like you can stream in separate details as well.