Ed of Vault 13
Lowly Old User
TorontRayne said:Ed of Vault 13 said:Brother None said:PS: shamefully, I would buy a cool repackaging of Fallout 1/2 if Bethesda decides to publish such.
Pfft... I would, proudly.
You must work for Bethesda.....I would actually buy one too. Maybe they can release a cool Bobblehead with it.
Work for Beth...? Man, if you actually knew me.
I certainly don't sustain the hatred that everyone must systemically reserve for Beth, but I do have my quibbles about features in FO3's design.
I personally don't care who's name is attached to these trio of games as I own many iterations of each and will continue to collect and support great PC games of the past - especially if they are some of my most favorite games, period.