Bioshock has gone gold

Not my type of game really, so meh. I'm crap at FPS anyway.
... but that Big Daddy would look so cute on my desk... no! Must remain strong. I won't be seduced by cute miniatures.
I'll probably end up preordering. I CAN'T SAY NO TO YOU BIG DADDY.

Damn! That would look great in an Isometric game. :]
I thought you weren't into FPS games, or is it just Fallout 3?

No I don't like FPS, as they give me a splitting headache. I think its something to do with the narrow field of view and the rapid camera movements. Also I prefer to play using my character's skills, rather than my own skills.

However I do like it when the artists understand their subject and I get a good feeling from what I've read of the game world and rules. So in this case, I'd be willing to put up with the FPS, if the scripting was first rate.

However if this game was turn based, had an iso viewpoint and had scripting as good as Fallout's (which it just might), I would be camping outside the game store right now. :)

9PM EST, (-5 GMT), SPIKETV will be debuting the 60-sec teaser for Bioshock. Apparently this will be the ((offfissshulll)) ad for tv spots/so forth.


Demo will also be announced/released.

This has been hinted by multiple sources out of Europe (folks covering Leipzig), and most humorously at VE3D:

Awesome People said:
Currently, the PC demo in its final stages of testing and approval. We are pushing to get it out to you as soon as possible. It will be out during the month of August, and everyone is working at full capacity to deliver it to you before the game hits store shelves on August 21st. I will also let you know as soon as I have an exact date for the demo's release, so please stay tuned.

I cannot express enough how sorry I am for the wait. Thank you for understanding and your patience. Just remember -- only eight days left till you get your hands on the full game.

Yeah, they are definitely cooler than some currently praised companies out there.
their marketing for this game has been pretty open. they don't mind talking about the actual game mechanics/what you'll be doing/how you'll be doing it and even showing you for pretty much the entire development. But they've still managed to keep things under wraps as far as story (beyond basic background to give you context)...

I guess it's not hard to show this sort of stuff when you actually have the goods.
After all the sexy reviews I finally got off my lazy ass and got a preorder in on the PC collector's edition. Can't wait to get my grubby hands on it.
Yeah Irrational's a good example of a developer intouch with their fanbase. It'll probably change now since they're 2k, but it was good for the time being. (and yes, in a moment of weakness, I pre-ordered the LE )

All the stuff in the LE was a result of what the fans wanted and they give out goodies to members of their forum based on join date (free pens, shirts, swag). Nvm.

And now the artbook for free which (I assume) was to be included in the LE had more people voted on it. Good stuff.

Removed rumor-mongering fanart...