Broken Steel and mods

The Dutch Ghost

Grouchy old man of NMA

I have ran into a problem and I am wondering if others have also run into them, and more importantly, found a way to solve them.

In general Broken Steel has no real problems with the mods I have put on Vanilla Fallout 3, that is until I 'promote' to a new level.

After I have filled in all experience points and go to 'Choose a Perk', the game locks up and refuses to go on.
The only solution so far that worked is disabling all mods before using the promotion screen.

Trouble is, this makes some unique stuff I have added also disappear such as the Pulse rifle, having to retrieve it again later.

I am using FOMM to run the mods, I have also installed the new patch but returned to an older version (an exe with an older version) and added Fake Patch.

Also, sometimes the game also locks up when entering a building, like with the promotion screen I sometimes can't even access the task manager anymore.

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?


Grrrr, I hate this piece of shit!

The problem somewhere lies with the DLC, it really seems to hate mods.

Next to locking up to leveling up, it also locks up from time to time when you want to enter the Citadel level A, and on the airforce base.

Add to that that the damn flying trees are back, now being in places where they aren't they are suppose to be. (buildings, roads)

Also, don't know if it depends on the DLC, but the graphic of the pit where you find that Tesla coil also disappeared, making the interactive stuff float in a grey nothing.

Does anyone know what is going on here.
It is really freaking frustrating (on the fact that the game isn't good).
I really had hoped for a reaction by now from other people running into this particular problem.

Anyway, I have an update regarding the missing 'chamber' in Old Olney Power works.

The so called Tesla pit requires the new patch, without it the pit will not be visible though the coils and levers in it will.

The fake patch does not work as a replacement.
You can rest assured that this post wont last long.

Cannot help your main question but I take disagreement with your quote:

I have removed the content of this post so as not to distract replies any further.

Theo van Gogh, and the many millions who preceded him, did not die in vain.
Re: You can rest assured that this post wont last long.

Zathras said:
Cannot help your main question but I take disagreement with your quote:

Hitler vs Stalin was a "no choice" decision, I agree superficially.
BUT in actual fact, Stalin was the more evil of the two (why this is so, is irrelevant here). However, communism always had a inbuilt fragility due to its blatant atheistic antireligion stance (and hence its collapse, which although NOT due to this, was NOT helped by it)

HOWEVER, National Socialism was NOT antireligion, but it was anti-pacifistic religions like Judaism and Christianity> Nazism was most definitely heading towards a religion and this was becoming quite organised by 1944 and had Hitler won
( and it was far closer than most realise) he would have become a warlord prophet akin to Muhammad and eventually would have become pseudodeified like Muhammad. Ridiculous?? Do not kid yourself. Hitler was familiar with the Koran and was impressed by Islamic terror tactics(used for some 1200 yrs) & had noted how Turkey managed to kill one million Armenian christians and 750K Greek Christians in 1918 and then escaped international censure by denying it. Had germany won.....what Holocaust? This would have been as enduring as was its parallel ideology as terror and discrmination always force unwanted choices(eg all of North Africa was once Christian).

You do know that that's a signature, right?
If you've got a problem with his signature just sent him a personal message, instead of derailing a topic like this.

Derailing a topic?

no one even bothered to answer ..including you.

Off the high horse plse.
Zathras said:

Derailing a topic?

no one even bothered to answer ..including you.

Off the high horse plse.
If someone starts a topic about a problem with mods in the Broken Steel DLC and you try to start a discussion about something completely different (who the best WWII-era dictator is and what the best failed ideology is), is that often referred to as derailing a topic or going off-topic. I'm here to talk about Fallout, if I would feel like talking about WWII and politics I go to WW2F. And about no one answering; that's not so odd around here. Just click View unanswered posts at the forum index. Close to 5,000 unanswered topics.