BUGs on Skyrim Special Edition!!!


Some kind of lucky
Doing a quest and the important person like:
Aela the huntress is marked on the map as being at Bleakwind Basin, but she isn't actually there?
Can't run or sprint?
Wolves don't attack?
Master Borri is missing and Einarth was on a mountain east of Helgen at the end of Jurgen Windcaller?
NPCs appear to be unreachable and out of map bounds?

Bethesda Blames users for using mods, stating that that is the reason for the crashes, user was not using mods.

Letter from Bethesda in regards to 15 minute crash bug.
"Thank you for contacting Bethesda Technical Support!We are aware of some players experiencing frequent game crashes attempting to load or during gameplay after installing the recent update.If the save file in question has ever been played with a mod activated, it may be incompatible with the recent update. Unfortunately we do not provide support for most mod technical issues: Playing with mods is a risk and you should always be sure you have unmodded saves to revert to should you encounter issues with modded gameplay. Issues encountered with specific mods should be communicated to the mod author.In the meantime, you can check to see if any mod you may have installed has a new version available that is compatible with the recent update. You can try to load a game by selecting a clean save file that has never been modded. It may also help to uninstall the mod and reload to confirm that the mod is the issue. Some mod creators may try to make changes that the game cannot allow (Ex: Changing the ugrids value). If the issue persists, try loading a save file from before you installed the mod.You can discuss your mods or any other gameplay issue with the community and also find detailed information on updates to the game on our official Skyrim Special Edition forums.If you haven't installed any mods, or have attempted the above steps and your issue persists, feel free to respond to this email and we will continue to assist you.Best regards,
Bethesda Technical Support"

Blame mods and modders
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The goal of the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch (aka USSEP) is to eventually fix every bug with Skyrim Special Edition not officially resolved by the developers to the limits of the Creation Kit
Aw that's cute, I think they misspelled lazy people who don't give a fuck.

I don't see this project ever completing with as many new bugs that this game brings, why are they going through all the trouble to patch this mess of a game anyways? Better to work on something worthwhile then waste valuable time to make a new bug patch that was already worked on in the original game.
Aw that's cute, I think they misspelled lazy people who don't give a fuck.

I don't see this project ever completing with as many new bugs that this game brings, why are they going through all the trouble to patch this mess of a game anyways? Better to work on something worthwhile then waste valuable time to make a new bug patch that was already worked on in the original game.
Arthmoor's team found what the bug is
Sure wish we had sticky comments... but... We've noted all the reports of NPCs going outside the playable boundaries. Due to it being so widespread we've been able to determine that this bug was introduced into the game by Special Edition and is affecting all NPCs that occupy a quest alias with AI overrides. It's a engine level problem we can't fix. Bethesda needs to deal with it in an official patch. We've informed them of the problem so hopefully they'll be able to act on it.

Special edition breaks the majority of quests in Skyrim, as well as moves actors essential to completing the game to a location that they can not travel from, furthermore, it is a engine problem, for those of you that say, "affecting all NPCs that occupy a quest alias with AI overrides wtf does that mean?"
It means that inside the game there is a system that tags stuff for quests. people that have been tagged by this system and that system says, "Ignore what you were doing before, do this now" will break permanently. How many people in Skyrim does this effect? 50-60%?
Sure wish we had sticky comments... but... We've noted all the reports of NPCs going outside the playable boundaries. Due to it being so widespread we've been able to determine that this bug was introduced into the game by Special Edition and is affecting all NPCs that occupy a quest alias with AI overrides. It's a engine level problem we can't fix. Bethesda needs to deal with it in an official patch. We've informed them of the problem so hopefully they'll be able to act on it.

Special edition breaks the majority of quests in Skyrim, as well as moves actors essential to completing the game to a location that they can not travel from, furthermore, it is a engine problem, for those of you that say, "affecting all NPCs that occupy a quest alias with AI overrides wtf does that mean?"
It means that inside the game there is a system that tags stuff for quests. people that have been tagged by this system and that system says, "Ignore what you were doing before, do this now" will break permanently. How many people in Skyrim does this effect? 50-60%?

Oh wow that's a joke right? They couldn't of possibly fucked up that badly, how hard is it to lazily jam a game from one terrible game engine to another? I know I shouldn't be laughing right now but:

Truly amazing that they didn't bother fixing ANY of the bugs from the original for this version. Despite the community patch existing. Just... wow, Bethesda.
Yeah, that's certainly advanced levels of half-assery.
Now personally I didn't have any problems with framerate or bugs, but the reports are truly terrible.
And yet in the public eye it's Obsidian that releases the most broken games :irked: When Bethesda releases another broken piece of crap it's endearing and part of their charme, I guess.
Well then if you were being sarcastic then it was just difficult to pick it and I apologise. I thought you were seriously defending that shit show of a company.

That's the sort of post Pete Hines would make on Twatter to defend his dying game studio from logical thinking pissed off customers.
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Latest Special Edition Bug: Rapture, aka ballooning, aka got pennywised.

So I keep having this problem where NPCs and animals, enemies keep floating off into the heavens

Some fall back to earth and die. My companion floats off or will get stuck on doors when exiting and sometimes entering buildings and will not be able to move.

The general trader in white run, belethor I think, his shop is constantly locked, I think he floated off and died. The lady outside Warmaidens in white run, the blacksmith lady, is also gone , anyway to bring back those or refill those spots with new people?
Latest Special Edition Bug: Rapture, aka ballooning, aka got pennywised.

So I keep having this problem where NPCs and animals, enemies keep floating off into the heavens

Some fall back to earth and die. My companion floats off or will get stuck on doors when exiting and sometimes entering buildings and will not be able to move.

The general trader in white run, belethor I think, his shop is constantly locked, I think he floated off and died. The lady outside Warmaidens in white run, the blacksmith lady, is also gone , anyway to bring back those or refill those spots with new people?

So is this another feature exclusive to the Special Edition? :lol:
Your friendly neighborhood @DirtyOldShoe back with a bug update.

While Bethesda works hard to fix the floating/flying/vanishing NPCs and broken quests(And fails), they are adding all sorts of new bugs for free. The latest new free bugs are.

The crash to desktop bug!
So, I'm not sure what to do about this. I've got an issue where Skyrim SE crashes randomly at seemingly random intervals. Sometimes I make it through the first quest and sometimes I don't even make it inside. I've seen that logs are often requested so I'll link mine via Dropbox below in hopes of either getting help or rooting out the source of the problem. Thanks a ton for your time!
Steam installed a patch for the SE an Hour ago and since then, the game has been unplayable. I fast-traveled from Markarth to Riften and the game immediately crashed to the desktop. Was able to reproduce this a few times and then gave up and decided to go to Whiterun instead. Entered the Drunken Huntsman and experienced the next CTD.
I'm on Windows 10 and a GeForce 1080, everything up to date.
I've logged over 50 hours in the special edition so far and now all of the sudden I CTD when I attempt to do anything.
When I enter Mods menu, game says Logging you in and crashes immediately after.
This one is my favorite ;)
the longest play i will get is if i create another character n get to maybe to lvl 5-8 n then again game will ctd then same problem happens, i try to load game n ctd immediately or within 2-15 min, cannot even play long enough after first ctd to do a single quest.......SUGGESTIONS???????????????
Neck seems and gaps on female NPCs!
Oh, shit, the news are hilarious as ever.

Keep up the good work with the audience, Bethesda, CDPR needs more fertile ground for Cyberpunk 2077.
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Welp I called it, I just knew there were going to be stolen mods.

Do they still have the save bloat bug they(pretty sure they didn't) didn't fix?
It sounds like some of those problems possibly relate to that.