First time out of the vault

Hello all. As the title says I'm having a great deal of difficulty in continuing on with the game after I've escaped the Enclave base. When I go to report back to Elder Lyons at the Citadel, he and Scribe Rothchild are standing there looking as they are getting ready to speak in front of a compliment of BOS Knights. However, when I go down to the bottom of the steps, I freeze in place and no conversation takes place. I Googled around a bit and found this is a known bug, but there seemed to be no solution. I've put a great deal of time into this game and to not be able to progress at the zero hour like this would be pretty devastating. If someone else has had this problem and knows how to get around it, I would be grateful for the help.
Also, it's not a mod causing the problem as I also entered the citadel lab with no mods activated and the bug still occurred.
Also, it's not a mod causing the problem as I also entered the citadel lab with no mods activated and the bug still occurred.