CD-Action Fallout 3 preview

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Ausir kindly translated a few excerpts of the Fallout 3 preview of the Polish magazine CD Action:<blockquote>It's clearly visible that Fallout 3 is in good hands. It's all because every element that made Fallout an extraordinary work was kept or rather recreated.
If you think "Fallout 3 is not Fallout anymore", remember the conversation with NPCs in the previous games, which were always presented face-to-face. I dare say that only because of technical limitations Fallout didn't use FPP from the beginning. There is no better way of quickly identifying with the character you roleplay than looking through their eyes, from their perspective...
Dogmeat or - more likely - one of his descendants is going to appear.
It's worth noting that you'll be able to spectacularly destroy most - if not all - elements of the environment.
As Pete Hines said: "We have no intention of removing elements that made Fallout well... Fallout". Let's take, for example, the system of radiation and using drugs - one of the screenshots shows effects of an overdose, maybe a side effect of taking a superstimpack. The sphere of sexuality will most likely be similarly treated.</blockquote>
I know I might be alone on this but Dogmeat?

What'd he impregnated a female dog, before he got zapped by a forcefield in the Military base. and that litter then traveled across a nearly 100% destroyed wasteland to Washington DC on a hunch or a whim.

Considering that it means the BoS made it to the east coast and brought 'stuff' with them includuing dogmeat's litter. Or it can be taken as a defying the laws of common sense, to bring back a most noteworthy character, aka:Special Encounter
Let's take, for example, the system of radiation and using drugs - one of the screenshots shows effects of an overdose, maybe a side effect of taking a superstimpack.

It means there are some new screenshots?
They might mean the PipBoy screenshot with stats - the overdose would explain why the stats are 5 points lower than they should be.
King of Creation said:
I think they may be referring to the Pipboy screenshot which shows really low stats. Maybe those are the effects they're talking about.

Idle speculation and lies!

Let us turn our attention more to how stupid and uncreative the addition of dogmeat is. That is more amusing.

Yay for Bethesda's brand of keeping titles true! Pointless adding of old NPCs!
More of the "technical limitations" and "FPP automatically increases roleplaying" doggerel? These uninspired and unsubstantiated arguments by a print magazine, no less.
I want to see a cybernetic Gizmo back, running a brothel, with a list of political figures who have visited.

That would make the immershun complete.
Old info (except for potential screens), horrible interpretation. I thought Poles were supposed to be mad Fallout fans?

EDIT: Ah yes, forgot about those stats. Should have a status effect display.
Re: CD Action Fallout 3 preview

[If you think "Fallout 3 is not Fallout anymore", remember the conversation with NPCs in the previous games, which were always presented face-to-face. I dare say that only because of technical limitations Fallout didn't use FPP from the beginning.

It's called Daggerfall you wanker. Play it then shut the hell up.

There is no better way of quickly identifying with the character you roleplay than looking through their eyes, from their perspective...

Hey look, opinion presented as fact! Yay!

As Pete Hines said: "We have no intention of removing elements that made Fallout well... Fallout".

What, you mean apart from the ones you already did take out?
It's all because every element that made Fallout an extraordinary work was kept or rather recreated.
From what I've seen, it's rather recreated. Many of the things which were kept look like being mutilated sloppily.
Dogmeat or - more likely - one of his descendasnts is going to appear.
Let's see - average dog's life is ~10 years, meaning it'd be 11th or 12th in the line after the "original" Dogmeat.
It's worth noting that you'll be able to spectacularly destroy most - if not all - elements of the environment.
Interests. Me. Not. But the console kiddies will go orgasmic, for sure.
As Pete Hines said: "We have no intention of removing elements that made Fallout well... Fallout". Let's take, for example, the system of radiation and using drugs - one of the screenshots shows effects of an overdose, maybe a side effect of taking a superstimpack. The sphere of sexuality will most likely be similarly treated.
Unclear. Perfect for more speculation.*Skiping it until more details emerge*
Brother None said:
Yay for Bethesda's brand of keeping titles true! Pointless adding of old NPCs!
This is their way of "listening to fans". One mod on the Beth forum said they listened to fans becouse (among other things) Ron Perlman, Inkspots and Nuka Cola (lol) are in... and there were polls in which people voted for which NPCs should come back, so hey - "we listen, there you go, have a dog"...

quietfanatic said:
Old info (except for potential screens), horrible interpretation. I thought Poles were supposed to be mad Fallout fans?
*sigh* Aye, I'm dissapointed with CDA, but the thread about the new issue turned into an arguement with the author about his... umm... original views, don't equate journalists with fans.
BTW I'd say no new screens, I haven't read it but people who did said there's nothing new.
Guys, you're taking the Dogmeat situation a little too far. It's a Dogmeat-like character, it's not confirmed that it's a damn descendant! And I'm pretty sure it won't be a descendant.
It's not dogmeat that's going to appear, nor his descendents. Remember that this is a translation from a polish magazine. What it says is that there will most probably be a companion dog, and that it.
Let's see - average dog's life is ~10 years, meaning it'd be 11th or 12th in the line after the "original" Dogmeat.

But in teh wastelandz dogs, much like water, are magical.

Guys, you're taking the Dogmeat situation a little too far. It's a Dogmeat-like character, it's not confirmed that it's a damn descendant! And I'm pretty sure it won't be a descendant.

Dogmeat or - more likely - one of his descendasnts is going to appear.

Can you read?
NukaColaClassic said:
Guys, you're taking the Dogmeat situation a little too far. It's a Dogmeat-like character, it's not confirmed that it's a damn descendant! And I'm pretty sure it won't be a descendant.

I'm pretty sure it won't matter! :dance:

There's a dog in there and its name is Dogmeat. This has been known for some months for those of us who are smart enough to read this blog.

I don't care either way, but I'm sure they're going to try to shove it down our throats as proof that they're keeping it true to the series. I'm pre-emptively stating that including NPCs pointlessly does not equal keeping it true.
I dare say that only because of technical limitations Fallout didn't use FPP from the beginning. :
Oh dear, oh dear....
It's worth noting that you'll be able to spectacularly destroy most - if not all - elements of the environment.
Somehow, I don't think you will be able to blast your way through the terrain ala Red Faction.
The sphere of sexuality will most likely be similarly treated.
So your going to get withdrawl symptoms from sex? Cool! - I guess viagra will play a big part of F3. :P
Zero Pike said:
I know I might be alone on this but Dogmeat?

What'd he impregnated a female dog, before he got zapped by a forcefield in the Military base. and that litter then traveled across a nearly 100% destroyed wasteland to Washington DC on a hunch or a whim.

Does it really matter? A fan-translation of a foreign correspondant's report isn't the best source to get riled over. It's really just a trivial matter and not credible, either.

FeelTheRads said:
Can you read?

Can you?

Brother None said:
Ausir kindly translated a few excerpts of the Fallout 3 preview of the Polish magazine CD Action[/b]