Change Portrait Style?


Moderator, Game Developer
My question is;

Can I change the portraits so that they no longer have green lines over them?
For example;

The green lines show over the actual portrait in-game and I suppose thats one of the things fallout always did. But in my new project I will be needing a more photo-realistic approach to the portraits. I know that the actual png/zar for each portrait does not have the lines but I can't seem to find where else they may be coming from...
xxxRedMetalxxx, that mean you need to edit BOS.EXE to disable this stripes. And this is not so easy.
I would still like to look into this and even if I cannot do it myself for some reason, maybe someone else could have a go????

So how do I do it?
xxxRedMetalxxx said:
I would still like to look into this and even if I cannot do it myself for some reason, maybe someone else could have a go????

So how do I do it?

First off you have to have any HEX Editor and know how to yous it and its extremely complicated, that's why there's no mods that include this feature, I would say give up on this question!

If you thank I don't know what I'm talking about get a HEX Editor and open the BOS.EXE there is all sorts of code and you have to know what all the lines of code meen this is a whole new level of modding!

Only skilled programmers know how to edit this stuff that's how FT Improver was made.


After all these years thats why I could not find where those damn green lines come from...
But, you know, I'm going to give it a go.

Over the years scripting and programming has been a thorn in my side and even though it's not my strong-suit, I have had many a battle with what seems to be the impossible or impenetrable for someone of my experience and had a lot of success in this area.
Now, since it would seem that I have awoken a sleeping dragon that no-one else seems to want to mess with. I think I will be the one that puts it back to sleep! Unless somebody else gets there before me...
I will try my best and give this a go.
xxxRedMetalxxx said:


After all these years thats why I could not find where those damn green lines come from...
But, you know, I'm going to give it a go.

Over the years scripting and programming has been a thorn in my side and even though it's not my strong-suit, I have had many a battle with what seems to be the impossible or impenetrable for someone of my experience and had a lot of success in this area.
Now, since it would seem that I have awoken a sleeping dragon that no-one else seems to want to mess with. I think I will be the one that puts it back to sleep! Unless somebody else gets there before me...
I will try my best and give this a go.
I to am a excellent programmer, hmmm i will play with this too.
OMG! I have the code right in front of me...

I am using a hex editor and I am looking at the BOS exe and, well, I dont know what the hell I am looking at!!!

Countless research into this matter has brought up nothing and I am beginning to think I am one of the first people to actually attempt this. I will persist at it but help would definately be appreciated.
I have some code on my PC that i will post here soon that will fix some things... i have to find them so may take time.
I am thinking that it has something to do with this;


But I could be wrong so I don't want to tamper with it untill I know what it is I am doing.

Does anybody know what this is I am looking at? And what the values mean?
Shit man, that was you?

I was looking at that a few days ago, it seems to be the only reference to what I am asking, and the only other time that this question was asked. Im looking into this occasionally, I won't give it up.

If I have time, I'll try to track this Retlaw83 guy down.

Thanks Mateo
No, can't seem to contact him.
I am still no further with this, I keep changing random bits of code near the portrait areas. I think there are three sections of the code that are something to do with portraits, but nothing seems to happen if I change values around them.
Hmmm.... really want to figure this one out....