Change the language


First time out of the vault

I just bought Fallout 3 and I am very happy of this game. However, I live in Switzerland and I got the game in french. It's not really a problem for me since I speak french fluently, but I've always favored the english versions of games.

So I wanted to know if anyone around here knows if there's a possibility to change the language inside the game, or if there is a patch that could do the trick.

Thanks in advance.
Welp, the Polish version reputedly has the option to install/play the game in English. Your version doesn't have that?
I bought mine in belgium and had the option between french and english at the beginning of the installation. My O.S. and locale settings are both in english though, maybe it had something to do with it.
Maybe I went too fast during the installation and didn't even see the option to change le language. And my OS and local settings are in english as well.

I will try to install the game once again, thanks for the advise.
I'll keep you posted.
There are several methods which may or may not work depending on publishing method

Find the game's registry keys, change languageid to 19 (in hex)

Run the setup from the command line with /lang=en flag. The setup won't be in english but the game will

With it already installed, just rename french.esp to english.esp (not kidding)
I am having a similar problem, when i install all English patches and the eng pit and operation anchorage all the text turns french! so all core game play is playable but the addon is french to me. is there anything that can help my game?