How would I extract the .dat files? I can see master.dat.That's because more advanced mods keep their data within .dat archives.
In case of Sonora it's even more complicated, main files are kept over few .dat archives
the main one you search for are master.dat and SonoraDLC.dat, if You translate from Foxx's release, then you should also take bookseller.dat and a couple of others that are present in <yourFoSonorafolder>\mods, all msg. files need to be extracted from the archives, before attempting to translate them in any way. Perhaps I'm wrong, however if you didn't knew this, than maybe it's not the best thing to try tackle the translation all by yourself and chatGPT.
How would I put it back into the game? Do I just feed it back in and make my own master.dat? Cause you mentioned to extract both the master and the DLC one.try looking in our download section for Dat Explorer for Fallout 2, it should open the archives. open master.dat, then in the left pane navigate to text\russian folder and extract everything what's there. next open up SonoraDLC.dat and repeat the process but choose a different destination folder, not to overwrite any files previously extracted.
repeat the process for any .dat files you have in your mods folder. text files have a .msg extension ( some do have .txt . it's best to use Notepad++ instead of the one built into windows to open the files. also to be able to read russian properly you may need to install Russian language keyboard layout, for windows to display actual russian letters instead of latin giberish. when you have all that open a file in notepad++ and proceed with your chatgpt magic/ whatever
$ ls -lt
total 1104940
drwxr-xr-x 1 deama 197121 0 Aug 17 02:20 data/
-rw-r--r-- 1 deama 197121 947084001 Aug 17 02:18 master.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 deama 197121 43797 Aug 17 00:12 log_fix.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 deama 197121 984 Aug 16 23:29 fallout2.cfg
drwxr-xr-x 1 deama 197121 0 Aug 8 21:39 BIS_mapper/
-rw-r--r-- 1 deama 197121 70892 Jul 25 12:54 log_develop.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 deama 197121 183044210 Jul 23 16:18 critter.dat
-rwxr-xr-x 1 deama 197121 1189888 Jul 23 16:08 FSonora.exe*
-rw-r--r-- 1 deama 197121 4498 Oct 23 2021 readme.txt
Hmm, do you know where I can download the full copy of sonora? I tried the official website (I think), but it just gave me 1.11 without that DLC or mod.Don't bother yourself trying to translate the game if you don't have the whole set. the basic release of 1.11 without the dlc and without sfall or the bookseller mod is practically useless. As for puting everything together, simply try to input the translated files inside data folder within your game folder, while maintaining original folder structure, exactly like when you've unpacked those files from .dat archives. the game should read them from the get go, if you haven't ficked anything up during the translation process, like chagnging the coding from win-1251 to ASCII
There would still be matter of translating the interface/gameUI, which is more complicated, however this would require indepth knowledge of the Fallout file sdructure, if you don't know anything about it, i suggest not to touch it until you learn, unfortuneatly, I don't think I could assist you with further knowledge on the matter, as I myself don't know everything either.
Decent progress so far, I've done about 39 files until I reached my cap for the 3 hours, will have to continue tomorrow.Come to think of it, @gustarballs1983 if this really does get translated via ChatGPT, will it be 100% accurate? I wondering BTW.
chat gpt:
{100}{}{You see a guard.}
{101}{}{Before you is a caravan guard. He is resting after a tiring journey.}
{110}{}{Hello. How's the road?}
{111}{}{Sorry, but I need to rest.}
{112}{}{There's water here, but otherwise, it's a lousy place.}
{113}{}{Casa Grande has harsh customs.}
{114}{}{The local mayor is not to be trifled with.}
{115}{}{You need to talk to the boss.}
{116}{}{The road between Phoenix and Tucson is restless.}
{117}{}{The road is dangerous because of the highwaymen.}
{118}{}{It's better not to encounter the highwaymen.}
{119}{}{We're just a source of income for the locals.}
And same one from deepL:
{100}{}{You see the guard}
{101}{}{You see the guard of the caravan in front of you. He's resting after a tiring journey.}
{110}{}{Hello. How's the road?}
{111}{}{Sorry, but I need to rest.}}
{112}{}{There's water, but otherwise it's a lousy place.}}
{113}{{Casa Grande is a violent place.}}
{114}{\pos(192,210)}{\pos(192,210)} {114}{\pos(192,210)}{The local mayor is no joke}.
{115}{}{You need to talk to the boss.}}
{116}{}{The road between Phoenix and Tu-San is rough.}}
{117}{}{The highway is dangerous because of highwaymen.}}
{118}{}{It's best not to run into highwaymen.}}
{119}{}{We are just a source of income for the locals}}
original chatgpt translation:
{430}{}{Is there any more work?}
{431}{}{Yes. I'm waiting for a shipment of meat from the hunter's camp. But they're late and not responding to radio communication. I don't know what could have happened. You need to go to the camp and find out the reason for the delays. Maybe they need some help?}
{432}{}{Alright, I'll do it.}
{433}{}{Sorry, but I can't spend too much time right now. I think they'll manage without me.}
{434}{}{The Wynon camp is 60 miles to the east, in the wooded mountains. Be careful; there are wild animals there.}
{435}{}{Wish me luck.}
{436}{}{I hope those hunters haven't just been drinking their time away. Otherwise, I'll give them a worse scolding than any mole rat.}
with mexican flair:
{430}{}{Any more work on the table, amigo? What's the chisme?}
{431}{}{Ay, caramba! You won't believe it, compadre. I've been waiting for a carne shipment from the hunter's camp, but nada, they're MIA. Could you mosey on over there and see qué pasa?}
{432}{}{Claro que sí, amigo! I'll saddle up and check it out.}
{433}{}{Lo siento, amigo, but I've got my hands full. They'll have to fend for themselves, you know?}
{434}{}{Listen, ese, the Wynon camp is 60 miles to the east, nestled in the mountains where even the coyotes don't go. Watch your back, there's some real chupacabras out there.}
{435}{}{Vámonos! Wish me buena suerte, hermano.}
{436}{}{If those hunters are just sitting around sipping tequila, they're gonna get an earful from me, and it won't be a serenade, you get me, amigo?}
So was playing around with the dialogue and realised, even though it's set in mexico, it's all fairly tame? I then got the idea, what if I tell chatgpt to add more mexican flair to it? And it came up with this:
I think it adds some nice uniqueness to it no? I'm tempted to redo the whole thing but with that flair! It sure makes it sound real interesting.
Ok, I think I got the right version now, one from ruttracker, comes with sfall and the dlc I think?
Come to think of it, @gustarballs1983 if this really does get translated via ChatGPT, will it be 100% accurate? I wondering BTW.
Decent progress so far, I've done about 39 files until I reached my cap for the 3 hours, will have to continue tomorrow.
There's like 669 files in total, so it'll take a while, but nothing too crazy, and I can probably do like 150-200 each on saturday and sunday.
So should probably be done on monday or so.
So far it seems fine, but I was just reading the dialogues in passing.
Just for completeness, this is the download page:
Good effort! Thank you for doing it (or trying).
So far seems to be going well, here's a comparison between chatgpt 4 and DeepL, which should be better than google translate:
DeepL seems to screw up a bit on the formatting.
I think the flow of what chatgpt does is better, especially in the beginning with the guard.
It does change the name "Tucson", no idea how accurate that is, or whether the DeepL one is better or not.
So was playing around with the dialogue and realised, even though it's set in mexico, it's all fairly tame? I then got the idea, what if I tell chatgpt to add more mexican flair to it? And it came up with this:
I think it adds some nice uniqueness to it no? I'm tempted to redo the whole thing but with that flair! It sure makes it sound real interesting.
Don't propose stuff if you actually don't know the best source.. Nevada Band has a separate downloads for Sonora and the DLC, and no extra mods like the bookseller, So you only stir up confusion in that guy's head.. stop it.
Unfortunately it's too late, I've restarted and am going ahead with that crazy mexican theme to it, it was just too great sounding to pass up.Personally I think it's an overkill too..
originally there are two npcs that speak *spanish only* and One requires a triat to understand what they say. This plus some more spanish oriented npcs already have spanish words put into their dialogues.. i think it's enaugh, there's no need to turn everyone to speaking spanish, especially that the game takes place not exctly in Sonora desert, but between Us state Nevada and Mexican state Sonora, and the map is divived almost on half between those two.
Ah I see, that makes a lot more sense.Chat GPT does this quite well, however in the game, this location is seposedly called Two-Sun since it has the natural sun and a nuclear reactor as the second sun.. the head of that location has this specifically explained in the dialogue with the player
Yeah that's true, I'll be more careful with the stat reporting. I'm just doing them in order of name, so I sometimes get short ones, and other times get really long ones.Yeah.. about the speed of translating files, do know that some have only several bytes, ( like floats only npcs) and others with indepth dialogue can have beyond 50kB file size.
it matters at least for manual translation.
There were some guys in translation team that cherry picked smaller fiiles and claimed something in the lines ".. look guys I've done so many files, why don't you get your shit 2g4 and catch up on me.."
this is not going to be the case with chatgpt. neither beeig ballzy nor there'll be a difference for the ai between 1kB file and 50kB file.
Not sure I'll do the UI stuff, one of the guys said it'll be too difficult without anyone's help, so unless someone can just feed me the UI stuff, and then I can feed back the english stuff back to them to add back in, it probably won't happen, I don't really want to go deeper into this so much.And yes my man... excelent job with that AI.. Just hope You'll find someone competent for the UI and all the graphic text translations.
Good Luck
Since the original *pre great flood* resolution of 640x480 is not playable on some newer graphic cards and monitors ( they simply don't support it anymore), I'd say Foxx's version with sfall and built-in High Resolution Patch, is the recommended setup, especially that on contrary to Nevada Band's site, Foxx's release comes bundled with the DLC. Nevada Band's one has to be downloaded separately, and not everyone is aware of that. This, plus the low-res shenanigans, any modern pc may stumble upon, when trying to run any Fallout2 engine game without high resolution patch of some sort.It is cool that you know a lot, but I linked the official site. If anybody mods a mod, it should refer to the official version, not a semi-official (Foxx) one.