Clockwork Revolution (A New Game by InXile Entertainment)


Fallout Fan For Life!

Yeah I know I'm a week late to post this, but as the old say goes... "Better late than never."

Anyways, what do you guys think of InXile Entertainment 's new game that they announced last week? Does it seem intriguing to you? What are your overall thoughts?

I really don't like these type of trailers as I don't know how trustworthy anything in it is as I don't know how representative of the actual game anything in it is. Setting is way over the top art deco punk, not the biggest fan. Game 'appears' to be very Bioshock Infinite, not the biggest fan. Alternate timeline stuff, I bet that will be fixed points in the story and not actually something you get the full control to manipulate.

And finally, let's just be sexist; Yet another female lead that looks boring. I know it's current year and all and we gotta have femmes as the lead in literally everything but would it fucking kill the entertainment industry to come up with some female leads that actually look like they got some damn art design to them and not like they just took some frumpy off the street girl/woman and auto-assigned them as the lead? Remember Me might have been a shit game but the character at least looks memorable there. Same with Tomb Raider, Senuas Sacrifice, Shandi from Saints Row 2.

TLDR : yawn + goose moment
Yeah, I spotted this a few days ago and upped it to NMAU. The still pic (before pressing play) would make fans of Bioshock, Outer Worlds, Dishonoured go WOWEEE, this looks cool.

The cynics amongst us may think " Oh ffs, they even included an AIRSHIP ....... Is that a UFO "

Small joke for @TorontoReign
Visually awesome~ :steampunk:

Leaving aside the unknown gameplay elements, or the story, or character voice acting. Yeah, leaving aside all that.

My complaint is the freaking females' black faces.

I dont mind black skins. I do mind the bleh face contours, which even if they changed to white skin it's still bleh face contours.

If they want to cater to the black audience, why the heck is that they cant afford some nice sculpture of a black face?

If they want to sell me their agenda, at least make a convincing argument about it~

Fallout New Vegas proved that you can sell successfully characters of Lesbian and Gay class. Veronica, Arcade, Christine. hell, Christine practically dont talk most of the game contents she appeared in. Hell, Ulyssess is supposedly black and he made a convincing show for it~
Inxile really loves to thread that line with the settings of their games where it's not quite sci-fi but it's not quite fantasy either, rather it is always that admixture of both genres. Personally I really don't like it, what you get is usually the worse of both worlds in that you can't suspend your disbelief but you can't quite accept as natural the internal rules governing the magic of the setting either. There's also something to be said about the aesthetics of it, which in my humble opinion are quite hideous and far too heavily reliant on a cartoonish exaggeration of the the most generic steampunk art style imaginable. At a glance I would definitely set my expectations very low and I have a feeling that this game will fall to similar shortcomings that we have already seem from Outer Worlds, but I guess we must wait and see.
Mild interest. I enjoy the aesthetic at least. To echo what others say, definitely gives Bioshock Infinite impressions. But I'm willing to let someone else take a crack at it instead, maybe it'll end up being better.
Anyways, what do you guys think of InXile Entertainment 's new game that they announced last week?
I remember this from before last week.

Also... ... ... During development of their earlier RPG, Torment, I questioned an InXile developer about whether PC's could walk, or not. And the developer was confused by this; he did not comprehend why the PC should be able to walk rather than simply run from place to place. This was 'Nuff said IMO. I lost all respect for their RPG development at that time; perhaps they've changed their development teams since then. I cannot go back to find out who it was, because they have conveniently deleted the forum. :smug:
Yeah, I spotted this a few days ago and upped it to NMAU. The still pic (before pressing play) would make fans of Bioshock, Outer Worlds, Dishonoured go WOWEEE, this looks cool.

The cynics amongst us may think " Oh ffs, they even included an AIRSHIP ....... Is that a UFO "

Small joke for @TorontoReign

You saved me from writing down the comparison. I checked this topic just after I checked the TOW here on NMA and the first things that popped in my mind were most of the games you mentioned. Also seems to be same level of writing, especially the character dialog as well we will probably get another extremist type antagonist with a philosophy. The time travel gimmick honestly does not look that interesting now that I have experienced it in several games, its a variant on the parallel universe themes from B:Inf.
But good news for Inxile will be that they will finally be able to appeal to the majority of gamers on the Xbox.

Should of been another Wasteland game! Does anyone here like the Wasteland Series

Had it been a FNV style Wasteland game I would have welcomed it even if the gameplay probably ends up the same as in this game. At least the setting would have been more interesting.

Oh wow an arpg we don't get enough those yaaaaaay ffs

Normally I would welcome those, but like you said we have been having a lot of them and none of them have been anywhere near FNV on being at least interesting content wise.
This could of been something that I might of had some slight interest in if the art style weren't so ugly.
This could of been something that I might of had some slight interest in if the art style weren't so ugly.

I would not say that it is ugly but it is definitely not interesting and memorable as we have already seen so much of this. I can't speak for the character models yet as I did not get that look a good at them but we already know that human models in video games have been in a decline for a while now as attractive is considered the new sin.
As I have already said I don't really like steampunk. Now I don't dislike everything that's all steampunk. But for the most part I just find it to be a really ugly aesthetic. Mainly just because of how overdone and overly bloated it is, to the point that it just looks stupid. This game has every problem I have with steampunk. Gears and Clocks everywhere, even in places that don't need it or even make sense. This game is basically what you get when you type steampunk in google images. It's just soulless.
So tired of alternate timelines and universes and shit
I bet the game is going to be fine, a 7/10, but like who tf was asking for BioShock Infinite 1.5
Unless they manage to make it feel like pre release Infinite, its just going to be a carbon copy.
As I have already said I don't really like steampunk. Now I don't dislike everything that's all steampunk. But for the most part I just find it to be a really ugly aesthetic. Mainly just because of how overdone and overly bloated it is, to the point that it just looks stupid. This game has every problem I have with steampunk. Gears and Clocks everywhere, even in places that don't need it or even make sense. This game is basically what you get when you type steampunk in google images. It's just soulless.

Too much dialed to 11, I get you. The visual designers thinking "Lets insert gear and clockwork wherever we can" rather than instead trying to go for a somewhat more grounded and what may sound weird to say 'realistic' steampunk setting where there are are complex mechanical machines similar in function to machines in our time, but no clockwork robots or cyborgs because the technology is simply not capable of that (you can perhaps improve difference engines but they will never equal let alone surpass a present day computer). And no 'Tesla tech' either, steam technology apparently being able to make direct energy weapons. And especially not a visual style that makes it look like some kind of Steampunk theme park.
I just recently watched Howl's moving castle. An example that I would bring up is that steam technology would not be able to make giant flying battleships or these small two seat flying "scooters".

My own opinion on the style; I really don't care that much as I have no obsession with the Victorian era aesthetics and am rather done with the whole retro science settings in video games. I quickly came to dislike the style in the Outer Worlds.

So tired of alternate timelines and universes and shit
I bet the game is going to be fine, a 7/10, but like who tf was asking for BioShock Infinite 1.5
Unless they manage to make it feel like pre release Infinite, its just going to be a carbon copy.

I think it is going to be an Infinite copy. I doubt we will see this open world game in which the player gets to change the timeline themselves in order to try to get different outcomes instead of a more linear campaign in which the different 'presents' serve as chapters.
You would be surprised how many Bioshock fans there still are even if I think the formula has really outplayed itself.

There is nothing wrong with time travel and alternative universes. Problem is that writers are not using it very interesting or always feel they must make it too much of a personal story. In Clockwork Revolution there will probably be some important characters around which everything revolves.
I don't know if you are a book reader but if you occasionally do I would like to recommend a book with the paratime travel theme I really liked called "The coming of the Quantum Cats" by Frederik Pohl. No Steampunk settings at all.