Water Chip? Been There, Done That

Just look at my post in previous page. There are essentially same info in both sites, yes, but the presentation is different that NMLevesque stated that he didn't see the 5 points I quoted, because those 5 points are only displayed in the Wikia, while Gamepedia didn't. Imagine what would happen with future sourcing of such links.
Personally, I go to Gamepedia only for the dialogue texts, but the Wikia is more friendly to my eyes (black texts on white background vs. green texts on dark background).
I suppose I'm a bit biased.
I remember when the split happened (though not what was the exact reason Ausir went that way), and I was always favoring The Vault for being a traditionalist. If the info I was seeking wasn't there, I could live without it. I never was one to linger on those sites to consume the trivia anyway, but simply checking some details when ever the need arose.
(I remember years ago few people had a habit on learning all that shit almost "cover to cover", but they'd not really understood what they had read, just bragged with the amount of trivial knowledge in their heads.)
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