Crazies the Movie


First time out of the vault
Watched 'Crazies' - At the beginning of the film the music started playing and i thought "i recognise this" It was the theme tune from Fallout 1. The Movie itself is about a Virus\biological weapon outbreak that causes people to go 'crazy' and zombie like, anyway - a good movie with a Fallout style ending. Though it may be of interest to people on here. 8-)
I forgot about this movie actually. For a while the commercials were nearly every other slot, then it just kinda vanished. If I get the chance I'll take a look at it, but it looked kind of eh for the best part.
Shoveler said:
Khan FurSainty said:
a good movie with a Fallout style ending.

A group of survivers send one of them to fetch something, then to destroy the treat and banish him forever, because he changed to much?

Exactly it! So you've seen it then?!

Lol, really? Just took a guess. Haven't seen it. Unless you are being sarcastic. I know i was.
Enough with the zombie movies. I can't stand them, can't stand anything with zombies for that matter. And I can't stand zombies as a result of a virus the most. Seriously, what is up with all this zombie stuff?
maybe they try to get a conection with their target audience.

Remember Batman Forever and the people hanging in front of the TV like zombis ?
I'm not really into horror movies generally, but I saw House of the Devil a couple weeks ago and it was good. No zombies or viruses though. Just FYI.
I just finished watching it a few minutes ago. I wouldn't call it a fallout-style ending.

More of a 28 Weeks Later ending. Hell, switch the location and a few minor details and it's almost the exact same ending.

I've seen the original, and the new remake, and i enjoy both of them alot. someone in this thread called it " a really shitty movie "

I've seen alot worse.

I found it very watchable.
I've only seen the remake and it's not terrible. I thought the end was pretty cool and would make a good Fallout prequel if it was reworked a bit. And the music is almost the exact music from Fallout. I don't know if it's a coincidence but I really doubt that.

Exact I tell you...
weaponx said:
I've only seen the remake and it's not terrible. I thought the end was pretty cool and would make a good Fallout prequel if it was reworked a bit. And the music is almost the exact music from Fallout. I don't know if it's a coincidence but I really doubt that.

Exact I tell you...

(whispering) Don't tell Bethesda... :look: