Does Fallout 2 hold up better, the same, or worse than fallout 1?


First time out of the vault
Just finished Fallout 1 and loved it want to move on to 2 but I want to know if it's still as great as the first one.
It's very similar but in that it has a bigger world, and more interesting locations, and generally has a bigger sense of adventure.

However on the other hand the sidequests are slightly worse quality, though there are far more, the villain is nowhere near as good, and it gets a bit silly in places.

If you liked Fallout 1 you'll probably like Fallout 2, and I'd say they both excel in different areas.
The Gameplay for the most part, is much of the same.
The scale however is much larger... maybe a bit too large.
While I found Fallout 2 to be the perfect sequel, I will admit there came a point where I was like "Okay... I want to finish this now."

The RPG stuff however is far beyond any other game I've played so far. You can pretty much be anything and do anything (or anyone ;) ).
In fact, talking about Fallout reminds me I should really go back and play through them both again.
I might make it an annual thing to go through the first Fallout games,
Main story is better in Fo1. But i found the gameworld better in Fo2.

Yeah, I found the story in F1 to be really good.
F2 is still pretty great, it just isn't as focused. I guess they were trying to do something very different.
I actually rather enjoyed fallout 2's additional goofiness and there were a lot of momorable moments and characters. But i think fallout 1 has the superior atmosphere and I perferred it's main villian.
Personally I mostly dislike fallout 2. What with psychic molerats fucking magic ghosts timetravel talking plants intelligent rasscorpion and a somewhat weak villain. Theredr tond of good stuff but it's mostly gsmeplay improvements but I alwayd liked fallout because of
Its universe and like fallout 3 and 4 it ruins the universe's credibility. But most people who play the first seem to like it. There's no reason not to try it out tbh.