Double Fine Adventure raises over half a million in a day

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Pretty sweet. Double Fine is looking to self-fund a point-and-click adventure game, started with a 400K goal, now at $600K. $15 bucks to preorder the game (digitally, on Steam).<blockquote>Over a six-to-eight month period, a small team under Tim Schafer's supervision will develop Double Fine's next game, a classic point-and-click adventure. Where it goes from there will unfold in real time for all the backers to see.

2 Player Productions will be documenting the creative process and releasing monthly video updates exclusively to the Kickstarter backers. This documentary series will strive to make the viewer as much a part of the process as possible by showing a game grow from start to finish, with all the passion, humor, and heartbreak that happens along the way. Double Fine is committed to total transparency with this project, ensuring it is one of the most honest depictions of game development ever conceived.

There will be a private online community set up for the backers to discuss the project with the devs and submit their thoughts and feelings about the game's content and direction, sometimes even voting on decisions when the dev team can't decide. Backers will also have access to help test the game once a beta is available. Once the game is finished, backers will receive the completed version in the available format of their choice.

For fans of adventure games, this is a chance to prove that there is still a large demand out there for a unique medium that inspired so many of us.</blockquote>Since they're over the minimum, they'll spend the surplus on additional polish/VO budget and the like.

Pretty awesome.
Telltale games really proved that point & click adventure games are far from being dead. Let's see if these guys can rival them.
Are you kidding me? Telltale has been making some of the shittiest PnC adventures ever made. They're not even remotely as good as the old Lucasarts titles.

Germany is pretty much the hub of PnC adventures nowadays. Daedalic and the people behind Black Mirror 2 & 3 have been doing a great job of reviving the genre.
It's kinda insane that the goal was reached so quickly (< 9 hours I think?).
I saw it this morning when it was around $200 000, put down $30, went to school, got home on my lunch break and it had passed the $400 000 mark.
Not even the OOTS kickstarter had its goal reached that fast.
I think fedaykin is right. Germany has been producing point 'n clicks at a very high rate, some of them are pretty good. But I wouldn't think they sell well in the US and elsewhere.

Also, why are people putting up that much money for a stick figure comic? I mean, I like Order of the Stick fine, but it's not *that* good. Kickstarter gets kinda crazy at times.
fedaykin said:
Telltale has been making some of the shittiest PnC adventures ever made.

Care to elaborate?!
Also, from all the "modern" graphic adventure games that have been realeased in the past 10 years(The longest Journey, Dreamfall, Syberia, Machinarium, A Vampyre Story...) you pick some utter crap like Black Mirror as an example of how an adventure game should be?

And please, for the love of whatever you like, don't even get me started with german adventure games...

Brother None said:
Germany has been producing point 'n clicks at a very high rate, some of them are pretty good.

Exactly, they produce a lot of adventure games which aren't necessarily good. Occasionally they manage to get it right with some games such as The Moment Of Silence for example, but even that was pretty mediocre in my book.
RPS says the project started at 2 am GMT.
Current tally is ~ $830 000 with six hours left before the 24 hour mark.

Looks like you might have to edit out "half" in the thread title, BN.
I read this on NeoGaf:

Might as well post it here too: on twitter Chris Avellone expressed interest in kickstarting an old school RPG.

Does anyone know if it's true? @_@

Edit. Wow, there's someone that gave 10k dollars?
Awesome idea. Both funding the project directly from fan contributions and revealing the development process to the public. Of course I backed the game immediately 8-)

It would be cool if what seems like an astounding success they scored here prompted the other developers to try this approach too. In a perfect world, we'd get better games for less money :)

A man can dream... :roll:
I dont think it would work well for RPGs.. They require way more time to develop and there is no primary "pattern" one can make an RPG in, too many subgenres where choosing one subgenre might piss off other people who in turn won't fund the kickstarter project and so on.

Still awesome for Mr. Schafer though. :)
Hehe, they are at 1 million now. That was pretty fast.
Those Old Man Murray pieces on Roberta Williams and Gabriel Knight sum up my feelings on PnC games quite nicely. I'm disappointed that we can't let that genre die the ignoble death it so richly deserves.

Seriously, that genre is like a contest among developers on who can make the most inane puzzles that fly in the face of causality. I will never forgive Funcom for making that "Feed the cop a mint slathered in radioactive goo" puzzle in the Longest Journey.

And in my mind, PnC games feel like cop-outs. I mean, they're basically games in their most stripped down and basic form. There's a reason PC gaming moved on to more complex genres like RTSes, RPGs, FPSes, and flight sims.
agiel7 said:

Hmmm if professionals start using Kickstarter it could mean the start of a pretty cool era of gaming. No more throat stomping DRM or games cut in half to sell dlc, etc.

And now it seems we will get the most expensive Point and Click adenture in ages? holy shit.
No, I'm pretty sure that Telltale games were more expensive than whatever this is going to be.

And they were higher quality, too...

... if you're into this genre...

...which I'm not.
This sounds very cool. I want my old school RPG now. I've been telling you guys that the wheel will come back around, and now it is approaching. The era of tired, consolized, hand holdey gaming is coming to an end. Old school always becomes cool again at some point, it was just a matter of time.
I'm saying that gaming has outgrown the PnC genre. In the age where RTSes began to introduce mechanics that rewarded players for thinking laterally (Relic have been exemplary in this regard) and FPSes started encouraging team-play and planning beyond "shoot monster in the face," adventure game developers almost across the board flat-out refused to evolve the mechanics of the genre, and they paid dearly for that.
agiel7 said:
I'm disappointed that we can't let that genre die the ignoble death it so richly deserves.

I've never been as big a fan as others either, but I don't confuse personal dislike with a genre having no reason to exist. Clearly, a lot of people still like them.
Got to say, I'm extremely excited, as Tim Schafer has been involved with the majority of my favorite Adventure games. Hope he still has the magic, I've really been getting back into PnC recently (the DS has been pretty good for them actually).
agiel7 said:
Seriously, that genre is like a contest among developers on who can make the most inane puzzles that fly in the face of causality. I will never forgive Funcom for making that "Feed the cop a mint slathered in radioactive goo" puzzle in the Longest Journey.

Are you aware that only the bad PnC games use that kind of moon-logic puzzles, right?
I should get my mom in this thread, her list of games on steam is like 2x as long as mine, and they're all PnC. She admits a lot of her games are crap, but she loved Jack Keane, the Broken Sword games, and a few Secret Files games. Heh my mom kicks ass, she used to play the fuck out of Wolfenstien 3d, Myst, Return to Zork, Monkey Island ect.