Dragon Age or Mass Effect 2?


Mildly Dipped
Yeah, i'm gonna get one of these games tomorrow. Unsure which to get, both look good. :( Give me your opinions on both games so I can decide gentlemen. :)
Mass Effect 2 is better than DA:O in almost every way. And I really didn't like the first Mass Effect.

Then again, DA:O is a god damn snoozefest...
Mass Effect 2. I really enjoyed DA:O at first but quickly got bored because it became very easy, the story is very predictable and boring and the dungeon crawl never end.

ME2 only seems to get better the further into the game you get. sure, the story is nothing original, but at least they have a few twists and turns in there to make it interesting. and the dialogue is 100x better written than DA:O.

but in the end, personal taste is a deciding factor I guess.
If you loved Mass Effect 1, then 2 is the natural progression of that.

Dragon Age is like Baldur's Gate 3.

Pick your poison.
Mass Effect 2. The game improves on ME1 in every conceiveable way and the story isn't built exclusively on cliches this time.
Tagaziel said:
Mass Effect 2. The game improves on ME1 in every conceiveable way and the story isn't built exclusively on cliches this time.
Or maybe you don't recognize the cliches.

Anyway, the choice is between a sci-fi adventure/shooter and a fantasy Baldur's Gate style RPG. Matter of preference.
I have to say, the mission feels a lot more personal this time.

You don't have the feeling of support you had in the previous game because of the cliche 'no one believes the threat is real but you and a handful of others'.
Still that makes a better atmosphere.

The main foe; the Collectors also don't feel as 'in your face' as the Geth were as you very rarely encounter them.

The mission is more about preparing to face them on their own turf rather than fighting a war with them throughout the galaxy.

I also like that a lot of the side missions have their own little maps instead of the repeated use of the same structures in the previous game.
Mass Effect 2 if you're like me and can't disassociate Dragon Age with BG2 which will inevitably lead to disappointment.
I really wante to say 'neither' but if I had to choose it would be Mass Effect 2 which sometimes reminds me of the KOTOR series.
sydney_roo said:
I really wante to say 'neither' but if I had to choose it would be Mass Effect 2 which sometimes reminds me of the KOTOR series.

While I wouldn't say that Mass Effect 2 is brilliant, it is enjoyable as an action adventure game with some minor stat building.

Some of the dialog might be cringe worthy but they also do a lot of things good too.

I always preferred science fiction settings myself over cliché fantasy settings even though Mass Effect's universe is cliché in its own way.
I bought mass effect and i'm having alot of fun with it. Thanks for all your replies fellas, you've been pretty helpful. :D