Duck and Cover interviews Tim Cain

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Duck and Cover has an absolutely rock-solid interview with Tim Cain, the father of Fallout, on his past with the license and his current work at Carbine. It's a recommended read.<blockquote>DAC: What are your thoughts and opinions on Fallout 3 and its various DLCs from Bethesda? Did you play/finish the game?

Tim: I played and finished Fallout 3 as soon as it came out. I really enjoyed the game, and I think Bethesda’s designers had really done their homework. The game showed they had a deep understanding and knowledge of the key aspects of the original games. I even replayed it a few times to see how I could have different experiences, and I had fun with that.

Of course, I would have done things differently if I had made it.

DAC: What was your initial reaction when you learned that Bethesda bought the license from Interplay?

Tim: I was surprised and a little disappointed. I was hoping that Troika would get the license, but we were massively outbid. But in the end, they made a good game, and I went to a great company to make MMOs, so all was well.
DAC: Looking back, is there anything that you would have changed about the original Fallout games?

Tim: Oh, there is so much that I would have done differently based on what I know now. The interface could have been improved, and there are ways to speed up and balance the turn-based combat system to make it more comparable with modern games. I also wished our budget could have been larger, not only to make a bigger and longer game, but also to have a real marketing campaign. Sometimes I feel that Fallout 1 was basically an advertisement for Fallout 2. :-)</blockquote>Notice the photo of the recent Troika reunion near the bottom of the interview. No professional reunion is forthcoming, though :(
I guess my hopes of one of the original FO developers calling a spade a spade and actually calling out Beth for their rape of the franchise won't happen.

Either way, decent interview.

As an interesting side note, if Tim Cain was an orderite he'd have to get the "Played Fallout 3 and liked it" achievement, which is a little sad.
DAC: Any plans to bring it back to life?

Tim: Not really. Troika is gone, the code is ancient, and we have scattered to different companies.


Good read, though.
rcorporon said:
I guess my hopes of one of the original FO developers calling a spade a spade and actually calling out Beth for their rape of the franchise won't happen.

Either way, decent interview.

As an interesting side note, if Tim Cain was an orderite he'd have to get the "Played Fallout 3 and liked it" achievement, which is a little sad.

He needs to make a living too...

Edit: plus you have to read between the lines...
An every one of us should get the "Tim Cain played and liked Fallout 3 and all i got was this deep feeling of disappointment and rage for the once beloved franchise that got raped by Bethesda" T-shirt.
Even if he hated it with a passion, he probably wouldn't have been able to say it. Bethesda's lawyers would probably find some way of suing him.
King of Creation said:
Even if he hated it with a passion, he probably wouldn't have been able to say it. Bethesda's lawyers would probably find some way of suing him.
I doubt it.

But as one developer once explained it to me, the gaming industry is highly "incestuous". "You don't shit where you sleep" applies - in the gaming industry - not just to your own company, but to the entire industry. Why? Well, one moment you're working for BioWare thinking "heck, we're an independent, I can rage on EA's shitstain of a game", the next you're owned by EA. Job security in the gaming industry is really low, especially with this crisis, and a company you have nothing to do with now might be your employer in a month.
alec said:
DAC: Any plans to bring it back to life?

Tim: Not really. Troika is gone, the code is ancient, and we have scattered to different companies.


Good read, though.

It does look ancient by now, though. It would be kickass if came out when it was supposed to, but it's too late. Although I wish some fan developers could pick up and complete it.
Brother None said:
I doubt it.

But as one developer once explained it to me, the gaming industry is highly "incestuous". "You don't shit where you sleep" applies - in the gaming industry - not just to your own company, but to the entire industry. Why? Well, one moment you're working for BioWare thinking "heck, we're an independent, I can rage on EA's shitstain of a game", the next you're owned by EA. Job security in the gaming industry is really low, especially with this crisis, and a company you have nothing to do with now might be your employer in a month.

Somebody needs to pass this on to Itagaki-san.
getting a bit tired of the conspiracy theories that anything positive about FO3 from the mouth of an original dev is a total lie. maybe they actually enjoyed the game? is that so hard to believe?
rcorporon said:
Somebody needs to pass this on to Itagaki-san.

*shrugs* There's always exceptions to every rule, and Itagaki is one of 'em. There've been other.

Also, calling him Itagaki-san makes you look like a douche. How's that for frank?

aenemic said:
getting a bit tired of the conspiracy theories that anything positive about FO3 from the mouth of an original dev is a total lie. maybe they actually enjoyed the game? is that so hard to believe?

Not at all. It's just hard to know. I've heard more negative opinions in private than these remarks. They're all very non-committal.

But do I doubt that Tim Cain enjoyed Fallout 3 for what it was, or that Chris Avellone loved exploration and certain moments? No. But that's true for me, personally, too. This isn't F:BoS we're talking about, so I don't know what's so shocking about it. Especially since they're asked about the game, specifically, and not the franchise and its direction.
Brother None said:
Tim: I really enjoyed the game, and I think Bethesda’s designers had really done their homework. The game showed they had a deep understanding and knowledge of the key aspects of the original games. I even replayed it a few times to see how I could have different experiences, and I had fun with that.
I can't help but think that this here reeks of sarcasm. On the other hand I may be too glittering.
Brother None said:
*shrugs* There's always exceptions to every rule, and Itagaki is one of 'em. There've been other.

Also, calling him Itagaki-san makes you look like a douche. How's that for frank?

I wasn't trying to be trite, so no need to act like an ass.

Also, considering I speak Japanese, what's wrong with addressing a Japanese person with the appropriate honourific?

You need to lighten up a tad.

As for the subject at hand, it's always nice to hear from the developers we all love. Although, working on an MMO probably means that Mr. Cain won't see a lot of success in the near future, given the failure rates of brand new MMO's as of late.
Question --

Why is it that NMA doesn't interview the key figures involved with the past and future of the series?
rc said:
Also, considering I speak Japanese, what's wrong with addressing a Japanese person with the appropriate honourific?

You're not speaking Japanese right now. I speak more than one language, but when typing in English, I don't get Herr Hitler, or Tovarish Stalin, or meneer Balkenende. Why? Because it'd be douchey.

otsego said:
Question --

Why is it that NMA doesn't interview the key figured involved with the past and future of the series?

Ah man! Why didn't we think of that?!
Brother None said:
Not at all. It's just hard to know. I've heard more negative opinions in private than these remarks. They're all very non-committal.
"I really enjoyed the game" and "replayed it a few times" doesn't sound very non-committal. It's not a proper review, but it's clear that he liked it. I think that we just won't hear from people that have a generally negative impression of the game, because of professional courtesy, or simply because they are polite human beings that aren't hiding behind anonymous messageboard accounts like most of us. I haven't heard anything from Boyarski or Chris Taylor, for example. Taylor specifically comes to these boards and probably would have said something nice by now if he liked the game.
As a professional, it's idiotic to expect him to burn bridges over things that are out of his hands. He's not going to shit all over other people in the industry.

Read between the lines. He said he liked Fallout 3, and if he had made it, things would have been a lot different. That's the most diplomatic way of putting it.

Tim Cain is a pro.
why do people here always have a meltdown when they find out that the original black isle stuidio developers have *gasp* different opinions to the NMA hivemind? Hes allowed to like what he likes, christ.