Evil Banana
Still Mildly Glowing

Dust Devil is an Rp set in the world of F2 BUT i will include a global map and creature variant wich we as the rprs..or so i hope..will discuss and create in this thread to make the Rp itself more dynamic and interesting..but first you have to make your own character wich should go something like this:
Name:Uriel bane (also known to his enemies as "Viking")
Age: 23
Occupation:Trapper,Tanner,Craftsman of simple weaponry-survivalist
ark Brown
Hair: Long dark brown hair
Height: 178cm
Weight: 80kg
Complexion:Caucasian slightly tanned
Voice: Average to deep (depending on the mood)
Bio:Uriel Bane was born in The Den to one of Metzgers Slave girls. when he was sold to a travelling merchant he was brought up to be a caravan guard and has served most of his teenage years in that profession. He was unusualy bright for his years and naturaly that was exploited by his "father" it certainly aided in his survival as a caravan guard, altho you wouldnt expect it of him his linguistic skills are rather well developed compared to most other brutish or otherwise dull dialects.The merchant was killed during a raid wich left him free to do as he pleased so he threw away his old life and left returning to his place of birth but finding nothing for himself there he retreated to a cave in the mountain range south of The Den and made a home there for himself where he lives his life as a Trapper, Tanner and craftsman of simple weaponry. (will refit it to the story as it goes on)
Weapons: Sharpened Spear, Machete, Combat Knife, Crossbow
Clothing: Hand crafted Leather armor, pants, boots and gloves (something like an improved tribal look)
Items: Healing powder 4x, Golden gecko pelt 2x, Gecko pelt 3x
Likes: Hunting, Crafting and sparring
Hates: Liars and pointless violence
just an example but that is who my character will be in the rp btw
If you would like to join the rp just post a request and character sheet here and ill do my best to incorporate you into the story as fluently as possible
and pelase guys keep it civil, im open to new ideas and i wont allow bashing or thrashing of anything put out here..so im going to start the Rp in a new thread, hope to see you there!
yours truly: Evil BANANA!
Name:Uriel bane (also known to his enemies as "Viking")
Age: 23
Occupation:Trapper,Tanner,Craftsman of simple weaponry-survivalist

Hair: Long dark brown hair
Height: 178cm
Weight: 80kg
Complexion:Caucasian slightly tanned
Voice: Average to deep (depending on the mood)
Bio:Uriel Bane was born in The Den to one of Metzgers Slave girls. when he was sold to a travelling merchant he was brought up to be a caravan guard and has served most of his teenage years in that profession. He was unusualy bright for his years and naturaly that was exploited by his "father" it certainly aided in his survival as a caravan guard, altho you wouldnt expect it of him his linguistic skills are rather well developed compared to most other brutish or otherwise dull dialects.The merchant was killed during a raid wich left him free to do as he pleased so he threw away his old life and left returning to his place of birth but finding nothing for himself there he retreated to a cave in the mountain range south of The Den and made a home there for himself where he lives his life as a Trapper, Tanner and craftsman of simple weaponry. (will refit it to the story as it goes on)
Weapons: Sharpened Spear, Machete, Combat Knife, Crossbow
Clothing: Hand crafted Leather armor, pants, boots and gloves (something like an improved tribal look)
Items: Healing powder 4x, Golden gecko pelt 2x, Gecko pelt 3x
Likes: Hunting, Crafting and sparring
Hates: Liars and pointless violence
just an example but that is who my character will be in the rp btw
If you would like to join the rp just post a request and character sheet here and ill do my best to incorporate you into the story as fluently as possible
and pelase guys keep it civil, im open to new ideas and i wont allow bashing or thrashing of anything put out here..so im going to start the Rp in a new thread, hope to see you there!
yours truly: Evil BANANA!